Thirty years ago, in 1989, organic market growers Jean and Peter Perry moved with their four young daughters to The Glebe in Baltimore. As their children grew, so too did the five-acres of coastal garden at The Glebe, with the help of Jean and Peter. Today, the garden, which features […]

Reports from India of toxins in cow’s milk led to a Supreme Court ruling in January 2014 attempting to make safe the milk supply. The toxins, including dioxins, pass into the milk from plastic ingested by the cows, which in India are often left to fend for themselves and can […]

Most of us would struggle to take three weeks holiday. With rent or mortgages to pay, jobs and businesses to manage and family commitments to juggle, it’s not always easy to step back from the hecticness of life and just go. Clonakilty cycling enthusiasts Allison Roberts and Justin Grounds decided […]

While the best means to achieve peak nutrition is through a fully balanced diet – one containing plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains – in reality this isn’t always possible or practical. Years of intensive farming have decreased the microbiome of the soil, which in turn, means we are […]

It’s estimated that between 9,000 and 11,000 people sustain a traumatic brain injury annually in Ireland with a further 8,000 being diagnosed with a stroke. Every brain injury is different. Every person has his or her own story to tell. Cathy McCarthy from Ring in Clonakilty shares her story with […]
