Fiona Hayes delves deeper into the government’s policy to ‘promote’ mineral exploration and finds that currently 28 per cent of the land in Ireland is under licence for mineral prospecting. In fact most of the land here in West Cork is either ‘open for licence’, ‘open with exploration incentives’ or […]
Across the world, people, especially young people, are holding their governments to account to protect their own future and that of future generations. On July 31, 2020, seven Supreme Court Judges in Ireland ruled to quash the Government’s plan to mitigate against climate change, stating that the plan did not […]
Having been watched by thousands of people on a live EagleCam for 11 weeks, the Glengarriff white-tailed eagle chick has now fledged – and the public is being invited to name her. The eagle chick is gradually finding her wings and she recently made her first trip to the mainland […]
Tru Eco™, a new range of refillable, eco-friendly laundry and household cleaning products, has launched to the Irish market. Developed by Irish company, VivaGreen, the new range will help keep your house gleaming clean while also protecting you, your family and the environment. The Tru Eco™ range, which is made […]
Microplastics are widespread in seas and oceans, and their harmful effects on many different marine animals are well known. However, we know relatively little about the microplastics in our freshwater rivers, streams and lakes. We still don’t know exactly where they come from, where they end up – and crucially […]
‘Water is life’ and not just for plants. What makes water so essential is more than its purity and chemical composition. Water molecules vibrate, create and maintain a vital force of energy as found in Nature. The mechanical man-made transport of water reduces waters natural structure and thus bio-availability. Johann […]