This month, Karl Woods, a long-term committee member of BirdWatch Ireland West Cork Branch, shares his other (non-birding) interest; moths. With multiple lockdowns over the last 15 months or so and many confined to the small areas around their houses, people have been looking for new things to get into. […]
Twenty-nine years ago, during the first two weeks of June 1992, at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, more than 178 countries adopted Agenda 21 – a comprehensive plan of action to build a global partnership for sustainable development to improve human lives and protect the environment. It was agreed that this […]
A mysterious tale of disappearing marine sponges in a unique County Cork lough could yet have a happy ending. A team led by Professor of Marine Biology James Bell from Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand and Professor Rob McAllen from University College Cork has been studying the […]
Continuing the theme from last month, BirdWatch Ireland (West Cork Branch) committee member Fiona O’Neill, writes on her passion for wildflowers. During the past year, many people have become more attuned to birdsong and the presence of birds in their surroundings. Early summer is a good time to turn that […]
Moze Jacobs looks into the benefits of agroforestry Not so long ago, trees, hedgerows, coppices, and shrubs were a natural part of the Irish (agricultural) landscape and taken for granted. Now, these features are rapidly disappearing or have disappeared in many places; to the detriment of biodiversity and the environment, […]
Green Skibbereen took part in a European-wide webinar last week to present on ‘Community led approaches on climate action and energy.’ Irish Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Ms. Cliona Manahan hosted the event. Ms Manahan opened by saying, “I had read with great interest about the interaction between the three […]