Susan O’Flaherty founded RetroKit with her husband Xavier and his business partner Shay a week before Covid and lockdown. Three years on, the business is going from strength to strength. RetroKit is a software platform that helps housing professionals make evidence-based investment decisions for their energy upgrade projects.  Xavier and […]

by Nicholas Mitchell The Branch has a full programme of events planned for this spring and summer in West Cork.  We started spring with a visit to Kinsale Marsh on February 12, led by Prof. John Quinn from the Department of Biological Earth and Environmental Sciences at UCC. With his […]

Scientists at University of Galway have published the first record of a noble false widow spider feeding on a pygmy shrew, a species of tiny mammal protected in Ireland. The new study, recently published in the international journal ‘Ecosphere’, demonstrates further the potentially negative impact of the invasive and venomous noble […]
