There is a sentence about the singer-songwriter and guitarist Niall Connolly that is very memorable. It’s on his website, Part of his Electronic Press Kit (EPK), it is being used over and over again by many of the venues where he plays: “A master storyteller, Niall Connolly is the kind of […]

Samhain is the first of four cross-quarter celebrations which occur at exact mid-points between the equinoxes and the solstices, marking the arrival of Winter (Samhain), Spring (Imbolc), Summer (Bealtaine) and Autumn (Lughnasa) respectively. All these traditional festivals have corresponding Christian celebrations. In early November, at the time of Samhain, All […]

The eagerly-anticipated Leap Scarecrow Festival returns this year, running from October 21 to November 3. Renowned for its one-of-a-kind scarecrow competition, this annual event, attracts visitors from far and wide who come to enjoy the weekend of Halloween-themed fun, creativity and community spirit. The scarecrow displays, ranging from hilarious to […]
