There is a lot of excitement in Organico this month because one of our favourite authors coming to visit and to give a talk in Bantry. Marilyn Glenville has written numerous books on women’s health and other health issues and is a hugely respected figure in the natural Health World. […]
I grew up eating baked beans – the canned variety – on toast. It was one of the early convenience foods and quick to put on the table for tea. Everyone ate beans, as they were an affordable and fast way to fill us up. We used to charge around […]
From a farming perspective the last few weeks have been fantastic. Since the middle of December temperatures have consistently been between eight and 14 degrees Celcius. It’s perfect early season grass growing weather – the kind that farmers longed for most of April 2018. In the last few weeks I […]
I know it’s not spring yet, but it sure feels like it. The camelia is in full bloom. The daffs are ready to burst. There are sprays of tiny little white flowers on one of the trees we planted to replace the ones that Ophelia destroyed. The land is full of […]
The World Health Organisation defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Mental and social well-being have been central to my work with individuals and groups for over twenty years as a youth and community worker and […]
This is a great time of the year to read musical, or indeed any type of biographies. I find autobiographies to be more authentic, as they speak to me directly, rather than through a third person. Musical bios are my favourites. Instead of a new year’s resolution, which only succeeds […]