Have you ever watched a movie and wondered why the bad guy always has a scar on his face? Maybe you haven’t noticed, but if you sit and think about it, the archetypical bad guy in every movie, TV show, sitcom and even cartoon, always has some form of a […]
When I first set eyes on the house it was a wet and miserable February, twenty-six years ago. It had not been lived in through the previous winter, and had been put on the market half-way through some major renovations. It was uninhabitable when we bought it, and only barely […]
I recently became a first time father. (Don’t worry I won’t start any sentences with, “As a parent…!”) Yesterday, I was listening to a live recording of Sammy Davis Jr. from 1973 singing his signature song, Mr. Bojangles, and when he got to the point where he impersonates the titular persona, […]
It takes courage for anyone to step into a mindfulness class. Many people confess to coming along because they have heard a lot about mindfulness but are not quite sure what it involves. Curiosity is key, combined with the courage to step out of your comfort zone. There is a […]
Summer is coming, and Glengarriff is about to burst into a glorious riot of colourful flowers. Great news for most of us, as we welcome the lengthening of the days, unfortunately for others this means the start of the dreaded hay fever season. Hayfever is not something I have suffered […]
Photo : Tagliatelle with Asparagus and Shiitake Mushrooms I’m just about all ‘kaled’ out. We have eaten some amount of kale and spinach in the last six weeks and I am almost happy to see the plants bolt. We will miss them but the new baby salad leaves and rocket […]