After the washout in August, the weather in September was a bit more pleasant, giving tillage farmers an opportunity to get back into fields and salvage any crops they weren’t able to harvest earlier. That said estimated losses are in the region of 15 to 20 per cent. While the […]
Many years ago, I came across Frank Herbert’s amazing ‘Dune’ series. I’ve read it a number of times since then, and I’m looking forward to the new movie which, if the trailer is anything to go by, will finally do the books justice. It’s a great adventure, with an environmental […]
The first signs of ageing often become visible around the eyes and it’s no surprise really as the delicate skin surrounding the eyes is thinner and made up of less collagen and elastin compared to the rest of the face. Coupled with the lack of sebaceous glands in this area […]
Ireland has reinvented itself in the twenty first century. It has emerged from the shadows and secrets of the 1900s. We have dismantled draconian laws against gay people. We have allowed literature and the arts to flourish when censorship forced some of our greatest writers to flee our shores like […]
Over the last week we have seen torrential rain and gale force winds on several occasions. Last night 45mm of rain fell and gale force winds blew through all day. I walked about the garden sighing at the runner beans blown over and sweetcorn strewn across the ground. Down in […]
Yes, ‘maskne’ (mask acne) is a thing and unfortunately an all too common skin condition I’m seeing in clinic as result of mask wearing. The technical term for maskne is ‘acne mechanica’ and it is the result of the mechanical friction of fabric against the skin. This friction can lead […]