Within the next couple of years it is estimated that about half of the population in Europe will suffer from some sort of allergy. Autoimmune diseases are on the rise, especially in our part of the world and nobody can really explain exactly why. While we know that some diseases […]

The sunshine is here and we’ve been gardening like mad people. A little bit of heat and everything takes off. All the seedlings that were set earlier in the spring are jostling for attention and need transplanting out. This is a very satisfying occupation, it’s like creating an instant garden. […]

This is it lads! The moment we’ve all been waiting for. The prize that dangles in the distance through the dark days like a beckoning light at the end of the winter tunnel. Summer 2023 here we come! Is there ever a time more filled with hope? More anticipatory? I […]

When are we too old to move? As life starts and we learn to stand, sit, walk and run, a whole world of movement opens up to us. Most of us have childhood memories of running around outside, being monkeys on the playground, biking, climbing and everything in-between. But at […]
