‘Who’d a thunk it?’ There we were on a dark Friday evening in January, watching the Taoiseach walk down that long flight of stairs to address the nation again. Thanks to the usual leaks to the media, we anticipated that some of the restrictions that ruined Christmas would slowly be […]
A West Cork Life
Here we are again. It’s the start of January and Covid is still at the centre of our lives. The questions we had before Christmas are still keeping us apart and the few answers that we got are not what we were hoping for. In the immortal words of Johnny […]
How little we know. I had no idea that we’d still be in pandemic mode when I sat down to write my 2021 Christmas column. I was slowly starting to try and feel my way back to some semblance of pre-Covid normality, and it was working. Despite my reticence, going […]
I’m sitting at my desk, fire lit to chase the damp, facing a window streaked by rain. Mind you, there’s nothing much to see anyway. The sky is a solid grey and the horizon has been reduced to the front field. Beyond the big oak is a land of fog. […]
I often feel a sense of sadness at this time of year. It’s a melancholy that is both nostalgic and foreboding: nostalgia for the summer that’s gone and foreboding of the winter ahead. This year however, I can’t complain. September has been such a beautiful month, stretching summer out for a […]
I’m writing this on a terrace in the full sunshine in what is probably the last hurrah of summer 2021. All around me people – mostly tourists – are eating and drinking, soaking up the heat. Others stroll down the street eating ice creams, trailed by a line of children […]