The sunshine is here and we’ve been gardening like mad people. A little bit of heat and everything takes off. All the seedlings that were set earlier in the spring are jostling for attention and need transplanting out. This is a very satisfying occupation, it’s like creating an instant garden. […]
April and May are known as the hungry gap in the gardening world but not in our garden where we’re consuming colonies of cauliflowers and infinite amounts of spinach and kale. The spinach and kale are giving their last ditch effort before reaching for the sky and going to seed; […]
Looking out of the glasshouse the other day, thinking about which recipe I could write this month, it came to me how much tastier our lives would be if everyone could grow their own salad and herbs. I know this may sound problematic for people that live in small spaces […]
I have cautiously started to set seeds, the glasshouse has been scrubbed and is ready for the new growing season. There’s not much in there as of yet as the rumour of the return of the ‘Beast from the East’ is holding me back. Rumour or no rumour, nature is beetling […]
We grew kohlrabi for the first time last year and I’m happy to report they are no problem at all to grow. These extraordinary purple, and sometimes green, knobbly turnip-like vegetables have a crown of upright leaves poking out around them and look very healthy, both to look at and […]
I wandered around the garden yesterday surveying what’s left to eat. We’re doing pretty well on the brassica front, plenty of kale, red cabbage and sprouts. The sprouting broccoli and cauliflowers are soldiering on and the spinach and chard recovered well from the pre-Christmas week long freeze but some of the […]