Are you tired? Does your stomach hurt after eating? Do you have other symptoms like nausea, cramping, bloating or gas? Are you suffering with diarrhoea, constipation or both? Are you irritable? Have you gained or lost weight? Are you emotionally eating? Have you developing anxiety around food? Are you sleeping […]
This month provides the first of three articles covering the MENNIS family. If you have DNA tested and related to any of these families, do get in touch and consider adding your DNA information to the project. My wife’s ancestry is genetically-proven to her three-times great grandparents, which also reaches […]
The Clogheen Marsh and Clonakilty Biodiversity Group, a local conservation group, is calling on everyone interested in seeing a new wildlife centre for Clonakilty, and in sharing their ideas on the development of wildlife opportunities in the area, to get involved by completing the group’s online survey ( Clonakilty Bay is […]
Described in chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions of non-linear systems, in which a small change can result in large differences at a later time and even in a different place. Explaining this, the mathematician and meteorologist Edward Norton Lorenz used the metaphorical example of a tornado being influenced by […]
In a new historical series starting in November, Holger Smyth of Inanna Rare Books will introduce us each month to a West Cork house detailed in a rare publication by Reverend Richard J. Hodges and W.T. Pike, a massive volume of historical photographs and stories about the big houses and […]
Like so many other things that have been postponed; premiership matches, flights into Heathrow and even postal and train strikes in England, I’m afraid my follow-up article of the civil war in Russia also has been hit by the death of Queen Elizabeth, the monarch of Great Britain, (and postponed […]