An exam prep platform for the Leaving Cert and Junior Cert exams, SimpleStudy is fast becoming the study platform of choice for students, passing 14,000 users this month. Built with study features and revision content that matches the exams and curriculum for each subject, the study platform prepares students with the right resources so they can ultimately perform at their best in exams.
The young entrepreneurs behind this successful enterprise are West Cork natives Phillip McKenna, 23, and Oisin Devoy, 24, who say there is a big demand for tools like this as exams and CAO points become more and more competitive.
“The user feedback is great and that’s what keeps us going! Getting positive reviews from parents, or emails from students who found relief in our product is really motivating to keep building and improving the platform.”
Phillip and Oisin were inspired to design SimpleStudy after completing their Leaving Certificate in 2017.
“We saw just how much gamification there is in standardised exams, leading some students to get a huge advantage while others have nothing,” shares Oisin.
Phillip continues, “To solve this, we wanted to create our own study platform and revision materials, so that any student can access the best resources.
“We weren’t thinking about money at all in the early days, but as the team has grown to meet demand, we’ve had to start thinking about it like a business as well.”
Their Local Enterprise office has offered immeasurable support along the journey and Phillip and Oisin would encourage any local entrepreneurs to talk to their local enterprise office. “We’ve got financial support over the years, but, most critically, they’ve always been there as we’ve gone from just an idea and prototype to a working business.”
From day one, SimpleStudy was built to be a remote company, which has proved very beneficial in recruiting talent across Ireland.
Phillip from Rosscarbery and Oisin from Clonakilty both attended Bandon Grammar School. Oisin went on to study in Paris, completing a BSC in Finance and MSC in Innovation, and he is fluent in multiple languages. Phillip studied Marketing in the Netherlands but left to dedicate himself to working in startups; he was an early employee at a Canadian tech startup that got acquired last year. They are both currently working fulltime on SimpleStudy together.
SimpleStudy is currently starting to offer packages for entire schools to give SimpleStudy accounts to their students. They will be offering these school packages for FREE to any DEIS school across Cork County. Please get in touch through the website for more details.