Summer is coming, and Glengarriff is about to burst into a glorious riot of colourful flowers. Great news for most of us, as we welcome the lengthening of the days, unfortunately for others this means the start of the dreaded hay fever season. Hayfever is not something I have suffered […]
Photo : Tagliatelle with Asparagus and Shiitake Mushrooms I’m just about all ‘kaled’ out. We have eaten some amount of kale and spinach in the last six weeks and I am almost happy to see the plants bolt. We will miss them but the new baby salad leaves and rocket […]
Whenever there is stormy weather I’m more strategic with where the cows and calves graze. Strict grazing rules get glossed over and the priority becomes working out which ditch offers more protection from the wind. I’m very glad of the weather apps on the phone for events like Storm Hannah […]
It seems that someone has got the word out to whoever cuts the grass verges along main roads about leaving dandelions and daisies for the insects. Driving up to Cork last week I was happy to see both flowers bobbing in the sunshine. I think that dandelions and daisies are […]
The syphilis outbreak sparked a surge in wigmaking. Victims hid their baldness, as well as the bloody sores that covered their head and faces, with wigs made of horse, goat, or human hair. Are you familiar with the term ‘Bigwig’? If so, are you aware of its derivation? It is […]
Fiona Hayes remembers an extraordinary woman and friend, Polly Higgins, who spent her life fighting to protect the Earth. Earth lawyer Polly Higgins died this Easter Sunday evening at the age of 50. She was a friend and an extraordinary woman who some years ago recognised that the law as […]