Eimear O’Herlihy grew up in Cork in a house where books were always part of the family Christmas presents. She is the festival director of West Cork Literary Festival, which takes place over one week in Bantry each July and includes writing workshops, readings, seminars and events for families and […]

December is often filled with extra chores – cooking, baking, cleaning, shopping for presents and so on – so I don’t blame you for thinking there is no time for anything else this month. It’s the reason so many of us wait until January to do something for our health! […]

There has to be commitment in every relationship. If our hearts and souls aren’t in it, then we’re less inclined to continue, especially if we encounter difficulties along the way. My philosophy in life is that any relationship is built on a two-way street of mutual respect. If respect is […]

Perhaps its most charming quality, time appears to stand still at O’Sullivan’s Toys in Skibbereen, where for over 70 years generations of children have found magic within its walls. West Cork’s longest established toyshop, operating under the Toymaster banner, this Aladdin’s cave of treasure is upstairs filled from floor to […]
