Cork County Council has been allocated €320,000 to support the upgrade and enhancement of shopfront and street facades in six county towns through the Streetscape Enhancement Scheme. Bandon, Castletownbere, Charleville, Fermoy, Macroom and Passage West are set to receive support through the scheme, funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development.
Grants of up to 100 per cent, or €8,000, are available to cover works including painting, signage replacement, shopfront improvement, scaffolding, materials, lighting, street furniture and planting. Business and property owners are encouraged to apply through their relevant local Municipal District Office. The closing date for applications is September 7.
Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr. Gillian Coughlan welcomed the scheme saying, “Enhancing building facades and shopfronts can lead to a distinct and memorable identity for towns, reinforcing pride of place for residents and unforgettable impressions for visitors.
“This scheme will enable property owners and businesses in these towns to further partake in the great community effort that goes into creating a colourful welcoming town centre.”
Deputy Chief Executive of Cork County Council, James Fogarty added, “This funding scheme for the successful Cork County towns is most welcome, providing an excellent opportunity for communities and businesses to continue the work undertaken in the past two years side by side with the Council under Project ACT. The local focus will ensure that the selected towns will be able to best express themselves, and continue their successes in attracting visitors, placemaking, and enriching local economic and community life.”
The Streetscape Enhancement Scheme is a key part of Our Rural Future, the Government’s five-year strategy to revitalise rural Ireland and is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development.
For information and contact details for Cork County Council’s Municipal District Offices, visit www.corkcoco.ie