Statement from the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltachta

Following consultation with health authorities and in the interests of protecting public health, having regard to the emergency measures being taken due to Covid-19, it has been announced by the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht that no Irish language courses will be run in the Gaeltacht this summer as a result of Covid-19.
It is recognised that this is an unusual, uncertain and challenging period and that this decision is a major blow to Gaeltacht areas and to the many thousands of students who had looked forward to attending courses over the summer. The health of our communities is the priority, however, and everybody has a role to play in the efforts to stop the spread of Covid-19.
The Department has also confirmed that Gaeltacht households will not now be required to submit new engineers certificates this year under the terms of Scéim na bhFoghlaimeoirí Gaeilge – as had previously been requested – and that the Department will be in contact with the households in question at a later date in relation to this.