Holly Carins appointed to Oireachtas Committee on Disability Matters

Holly Cairns TD has been announced as a member of the newly formed Oireachtas Committee on Disability Matters which is considering all disability matters including monitoring the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. It recognises the need for a specific focus on the needs of people with disabilities in Irish society, who are too often overlooked and under supported. 

“This Committee is long overdue, and I am happy to be working on it to bring attention to the needs of people with disabilities. Unfortunately, in Ireland today people with disabilities are more likely to face discrimination and they are more than 3 times as likely to experience poverty and deprivation. Using the UN Convention we can develop a rights-based approach where people can be guaranteed access to proper housing, support in the community, and greater opportunities for work. There are amazing organisations and employers in West Cork and across Ireland who support people with disabilities and we need to build on this. 

“Significantly, one of our main focuses is that we want to learn from the lived experiences of people and communities. We must empower people with disabilities by working with them. They understand what is needed most.

“The Committee is looking for suggestions from individuals and organisations on the types of things that we should be looking at. It is essential that our work is informed by the perspectives of people with disabilities and their families/carers. People can email to the Committee directly themselves at disabilitymatters@oireachtas.ie or you can contact me and I will put together a submission. Please email me holly.cairns@oir.ie before 13th November. 

WCP Staff

WCP Staff Writer

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Discussing West Cork flooding in the Dáil

Thu Nov 12 , 2020
Speaking in the Dáil last week on flooding issues in rural Ireland, Holly Cairns TD, raised the concerns of families and businesses in Bantry, Dunmanway, Skibbereen, Rosscarbery and other local areas prone to flooding. Several areas of West Cork have suffered several floods already this year, and that’s before the […]
