October Sun Signs

If you’ve been feeling a sense of tension or frustration in recent weeks things are about to change. October brings us a momentous release from inactivity or expectancy with four planets leaving their retrograde phase to progress forwards once more.

Mars plays a key role this month, as it expresses its strength and vigour through the social and balancing sign of Libra. Mars often acts as a trigger and will activate us into asserting our will or reaching for our desires. The Sun in Libra helps us to share with others and seek some harmonious solutions to any discord. The Sun Mars combination in Libra can bring a demand for social cohesion or collaboration. It’s a time when those that stand apart from the socially acceptable trend could be seen as unwelcome resistance rather than as an individual taking a different path. Finding a balance that avoids exclusion is the higher expression of this energy, and it is required from us now. 

As the Sun and Mars move closer together in the sky from October 6 to 9, their heat and passion are amplified. This creates a lot of power and strength to push forwards giving the first weeks of the month a kind of turbocharge to bring in the next phase or new project.

There is a New Moon on October 6, which is the natural time for initiating a new direction or focus, and in Libra that focus is on our relationships. All personal connections are under the microscope now, as Pluto turns to travel forwards again. Pluto is about hidden forces that have power over our lives. It’s our unconscious habits or buried fears. It represents what lies beneath the surface to be discovered, investigated, and released. Pluto can also represent toxins and pollutants that need to be purged from our system. There is a process with Pluto. Once discovered, hidden elements can be transformed in a beneficial, positive way so we can make new ‘healthier’ choices. Pluto has been in retrograde since late April and now the process that started back then can be taken to the next level.

Mercury, the planet of information and communication, is currently retrograde and it joins with the Sun and Mars on October 9. During this conjunction, these planets are so close to the Sun they can’t be seen, which means plans can being hatched behind the scenes. We may not fully know what has been cooked up by this pair until they become visible again towards the later weeks of the year. The timing of this significant Mars Mercury Sun conjunction ties in with the Saturn Uranus Square, which has dominated the freedom/restriction themes of 2021.

On October 11 Saturn turns direct after being retrograde since late May. This is another release of energy that brings the great planet of structure, consolidation, and boundaries back into action in a more obvious way. It also strengthens the third and final phase of the tense Saturn Uranus square, as it begins to move towards being exact again in late December. We may find a new phase of the great reset and new normal are all lined up and ready to roll as we approach mid-month. This is a time of big social shifts and changes and there is no going back to what we were comfortable with before 2020. Our focus is turned to developing the kind of society we want for the future and how we want to connect to our communities. Issues with essential resources, basic commodities, and supply systems are going to be hot topics later in the month.

The final two planets to turn direct this month are Jupiter, which has been retrograde since mid-June, and Mercury, retrograde since late September. They both make this shift on October 18, which is quite a double act for effect. The big planet of expansion and justice is combined with the messenger planet, both in air signs. We can expect some news, information, and insights to come to light and further developments on matters that went quiet earlier this summer. 

The area of life that will be most affected on a personal level will be where both Libra and Aquarius are represented in your birth chart. 

This is a time for clear communications with the ones you care for and those who take a prominent role in your life. The aim is towards better co-operation and greater understanding. This energy brings high hopes for reconciliation or resolution but differing personal goals or values need to be negotiated first.

The Full Moon on October 20 combines with Mars and a tense aspect to Pluto. This will highlight themes that emerged earlier in the month and now require positive action. The coming months will reveal more truths. It will be the next step in a process of eliminating what really causes fear and distrust between people. It’s time to come together and form bonds with others who are sincere and have integrity.

October has a New Moon at 14 degrees Libra on October 6 at 12.05pm and a Full Moon at 28 degrees Aries on October 20 at 3.56pm. 

Aries: The focus falls on your relationships from early October and you have difficulty distinguishing between your own feelings and the people closest to you. Tune in to yourself, and allow your partner or close friends to have their moods without imagining they always have something to do with your own actions. Connecting with others in a special moment can be enjoyed when close allies or partners become your focus but you could be thinking that you have all got a little too involved or caught up with each other recently and soon you’ll need to stand back.

Taurus: You may waste too much energy on menial tasks, thus getting distracted from the broader visions in your life during these few weeks. You are likely to make yourself indispensable through being of service to the physical needs of others, and generally happy to take on a lot of tasks – both in your career and around the house. If you are not careful, however, other people will take advantage of you. Now though you should be really getting things together for yourself whilst you can keep the focus on the details. Once done, you’ll be able to stand back and take pride in your accomplishments.

Gemini: Spontaneity is the keyword for you this month and it’s time to loosen up and have some fun. Taking the lead and making some bold statements is also an option. Going just a little bit over the top will be acceptable now as this is a general time of celebration for all. Passion and intensity can run rampant as your enthusiasm overflows so get creative with your energy. You have a strong emotional need for some romantic encounters but you do know how to nurture and maintain the romance in an existing relationship too. So go the extra mile and enjoy!

Cancer: During October you might find you need to spend more time at home and you can find great pleasure in looking after loved ones, cooking, making home improvements etc. You feel very sensitive to the moods of others, especially if you share your personal space. Although you’ll be strongly motivated to create a caring and secure environment, a crowd can be claustrophobic. You can get on each other’s nerves. This is a time to acknowledge the comfortable and familiar environment that supports you. Draw on it as a source of strength but avoid being over-dominant or demanding.

Leo: Any trying or difficult emotional experiences you have early this month result from having strong differences of opinion with someone you have to deal with every day. When you argue your case you are easily swayed by irrational arguments and emotions. Could it be that everybody is trying to get their message through but no one is listening? Try not to get distracted whilst you tie up important loose ends and meet deadlines. You need to keep some time for a new project or mental challenge in later weeks. You could be making plans for travelling or starting a new class or training programme.

Virgo: Mid-October will find you focusing on your personal resources and economic fluctuations. You can be a very kind and giving person but you also need to feel secure. Being a little more concerned with your financial status now is probably a good thing although some people may view you as unusually materialistic and possessive. This is a time to cash in on some of your hard-earned investments and name your price for your efforts. Be confident in your skills and abilities and turn them to good use now as others will notice and reward you later.

Libra: By mid-month you are likely to have put doubts behind you and become a glowing example of both vitality and attractiveness. Let your personality truly shine and you can expect to have a powerful impact on your surroundings through your moods and feelings. You may be seen as unusually emotional or sentimental, but you know how to provide a truly nurturing environment for others. You’re motivated to show how much concern and care you have for them now. Bring any critical personal projects to a conclusion whilst you have the energy required to satisfy your own high standards.

Scorpio: You need to withdraw from the world from time to time and commune with nature or your inner feelings. During October you are extremely sensitive to your environment and could spend a lot of time enveloped in a very private emotional world. Ideally, create a place of your own which is sacred to you where you can be alone. In this private retreat, you can become aware of your many dreams and longings. Try to work more consciously with the inner world of your imagination through creative work or meditative practice for a few days.

Sagittarius: You have the desire for strong bonds with your friends and you are especially sensitive to how they treat you this month. You are both caring and concerned for their personal development, but easily hurt if they let you down in any way. Ensure that you spend time only with people that elevate and support you. Disconnect from the daily grind and tap into your lighter side for a while. Count your blessings and remember that enjoyment of the good life is more about your own sense of wellbeing, not money, friendship or possessions.

Capricorn: You have a strong sense of duty and you can feel that your role is primarily to live up to family or social expectations in early October. You may have been striving to achieve some predefined goals and you want the recognition now. Over the coming weeks, you can reach out for what you want for yourself. Stand in the spotlight whilst acting the part of your unique self in all your glory. Ensure you take time out to wave your own flag and get noticed for your contribution before a new surge of personal creativity rolls in.

Aquarius: Think big and stretch your imagination this month. In the past, you will have unconsciously been affected by the convictions and values of those close to you. The powerful need for a strong belief to hold on to that is solid and true for you demand your attention now. During these few weeks as your interest in philosophical and spiritual areas is heightened use the time to expand your inner window on the world and break new ground. The feeling of suddenly having understood something can have you wondering now what to do with it all, but that will take care of itself down the line.

Pisces: As October progresses your experiences will confirm that you must not depend on other people or your possessions to provide emotional security for you. This could be a very transformative few weeks when you might unearth resources within yourself that you were previously unaware of. Allow yourself to stand aside for a moment and recognise where any deals and contracts have tied up your energy. You no longer need to rely on certain items or belongings as you become more emotionally stable. Clear out any useless things you’ve been hoarding, the sense of space and freedom will do you good. If you’ve been feeling a sense of tension or frustration in recent weeks things are about to change. October brings us a momentous release from inactivity or expectancy with four planets leaving their retrograde phase to progress forwards once more.

Kate Arbon

Kate Arbon is a professional Astrologer based in West Cork.

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Mon Oct 4 , 2021
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