March Sun Signs

The image of the mad March hare is very suited to this month. There is so much astro-action coming up over the next few weeks it could leave us feeling ‘all over the place’.

It’s a month that brings huge shifts and major new phases with the two heavyweight planets, Saturn and Pluto changing signs. There is a significant New Moon in Aries at the Equinox and Mars finally moves out of Gemini.

We start the month with a lovely and very auspicious conjunction of Venus with Jupiter on March 2. The pair are currently very visible as bright stars in the Western sky just after sunset. These two are known as the benefics. They are all about the good things in life. Combined they bring a sociable, generous feel to the first few days of March. But because they are joined together in Aries there is also a strong drive to take action. So this is a time to get ahead, be determined, and spontaneous and do the things that you love. There is an almost magical and vibrantly optimistic feeling around this time.

This energy takes us up to the New Moon in Virgo on March 7, which connects with the sparky, offbeat planet Uranus. The combined earthy elements of Virgo and Taurus make this the right time to set your intentions towards unique projects and inspired plans, especially if they involve your garden, food production or improving your essential resources.

Underneath the positivity of Jupiter with Venus there is also tension or excitement building. As the slow-moving planets reach the last degree of a sign there is the need to release something so the new energy can flow in as the next sign is activated. We have three planets activating what is known as the anaretic or critical degree. Saturn, Pluto and Mars all pass this transition point during March. This focus heightens the urge to make a last-minute push before the end of the current phase and we may see this acted out in world politics, but the strength and power has dissipated so it has no lasting effect. Old themes are now being replaced with new trends.

Within moments of the New Moon on March 7, Saturn moves into a water sign, Pisces. This triggers a new phase of restructuring and potentially takes us to a new level of understanding, compassion and spiritual connection. Saturn has been in its home signs of Capricorn and Aquarius since 2017. We have seen our world transformed during this time. Since early 2020 Saturn was in Aquarius bringing us the social restructuring that couldn’t have been achieved without the incredible events of the last few years.

Now, during the next three years, the focus will be more philosophical, spiritual and idealised. We can expect these new trends to occur in the areas of religion and belief. Saturn’s presence consolidates and defines, whilst Pisces is the sign of the nebulous and mysterious. A movement to a more mystical approach is possible. As the structures of our society become more chaotic and unruly we will turn our attention to religious faith or inner guidance for direction and support. The reality we put our trust in during previous times is now an uncertain or unreliable foundation. It becomes clear that reality is pliable and easily manipulated. There is no longer one consistent and dependable version as things change so frequently. It is a time of recognising that belief affects individual experience.

By mid-month, there is more confusion about what is actual reality and what is simply untrue. Neptune in Pisces is activated by the Sun, Mars and Mercury between March 14-16. It may be hard to trust any source of information during this week unless you know it comes from a sincere person with your best interests at heart.

The next big event is the Equinox on March 21 when the Sun enters Aries. This first degree of the first sign is the most potent point in the Zodiac. On this day we also have the New Moon. Here the Sun is joined at this crucial point by the Moon bringing the significance of a new start and new cycle to a peak. In addition and to add to the already intense drama, we have Pluto at the anaretic 29th degree before moving into Aquarius on the 23rd. We can expect to have some release of tension and some bid for power by an authority or establishment representative.

The last big switch-up of the month comes on March 25, as Mars leaves the last degree of Gemini after being in this sign since last August. Mars in Cancer, another water sign brings a very different energy. Mars is in this sign until Mid May. Cancer is the sign traditionally associated with the home and basic security. Mars here can bring a sense that these areas of life need protection and extra attention. Issues around social care and domestic support will be more prominent during the next couple of months

On a personal level, these new energy patterns will not be so noticeable until more time has passed. Over the coming months and years that the full extent and significance of the new trends will become apparent on the larger social level. In our own lives, the area of your birth chart where these astrological events occur is where you’ll find the strongest indications of the old ways leaving and the new ways emerging.

March has a Full Moon in 17 degrees Virgo on March 7 at 12.40pm and a New Moon in one degrees Aries on March 21 at 5.23pm

Aries: Your work and daily routines are your main concern this Full Moon prompting you to focus on organisation and efficiency. Use this energy to streamline your tasks and prioritise self-care. What you willingly sacrifice now will be more than repaid with an increased ability to make your dreams a reality later. The New Moon emphasises intimacy and joint resources, urging you to examine your emotional and financial investments and make any necessary adjustments. Being of service to others or taking on extra responsibilities this month will prove to be worthwhile in the coming weeks.

Taurus: This Full Moon illuminates your creative and romantic interests, encouraging you to express yourself fully and explore new avenues of self-expression. Tension results when you ignore your desires for achievement or acknowledgement. Circumstances may urge you to make a greater effort. But don’t overdo things or try to go too far too fast. Travel and new experiences are possible as you explore new horizons and expand your knowledge and perspective.

Gemini: Your attention goes to your home and family life during this Virgo Full Moon, prompting you to reflect on your emotional needs and create a sense of comfort and stability in your living space. Events make it difficult to make good decisions concerning your life direction. However, it’s a good time to make some changes so you can reach new levels. Career and public image take the spotlight later in the month. You may want to consider your professional goals and make meaningful strides towards success.

Cancer: Your communication and social skills are the focus of this Full Moon phase, urging you to connect with others and express your ideas and opinions more confidently. Social networks and community become important. You are drawn to connect with like-minded individuals and work towards common goals. Giving extra attention to details and keeping up with everyday business could be time-consuming but the small things also contribute to the longer-term plan.

Leo: This Full Moon phase highlights any stress around your financial and material well-being, prompting you to examine your spending habits and take steps towards greater financial security. The drive to improve your finances and material security is strong now and you could find some welcome inspiration for a new direction or possibility you hadn’t previously considered. Your attention turns towards your inner world and spiritual growth in the later weeks of this month. Some deeper reflection allows you to explore your subconscious mind and let go of old patterns that are holding you back.

Virgo: The Full Moon in your sign brings your innermost thoughts and feelings to the surface, inspiring you to pursue your passions and prioritise your own needs. You may want to emphasise your identity this month. Focus on self-expression and spiritual growth. Taking care of your needs both spiritually and physically is a balancing act you can achieve now. Your desire to get out and about to express yourself could find you enjoying an extra busy social scene after the New Moon.

Libra: This Full Moon puts the focus on your finances and material possessions. You feel the need to examine your values and financial priorities. The New Moon later this month highlights your spiritual and emotional growth. You want to get things right and contribute something worthwhile. You are happy to take on new opportunities now. Exploring your inner world and letting go of any past hurts or emotional baggage brings a sense of liberation.

Scorpio: This Virgo Full Moon draws your attention to your social networks and community, encouraging you to connect with like-minded individuals and find common goals. Remember that not everyone is ready to make the required changes at the same time as you. Your vision is probably further reaching than theirs and includes the broader issues. Communication and learning are heightened and you may want to express yourself more effectively and follow up on new areas of knowledge.

Sagittarius: The Full Moon illuminates your career and public image and you focus on your professional goals. You know what your limits are and it’s time to move forward. Now you can see what was holding you back. You can make meaningful strides towards success. Around the New Moon, you can place your attention on your home and family life. You are encouraged to create a sense of emotional security and stability.

Capricorn: Travel and educational aspirations are on the front burner for you this Full Moon, encouraging you to broaden your horizons and seek new experiences. There may be additional details, communications or arrangements to attend to but keep your focus on the bigger picture. This energy flow emphasises creativity and self-expression, prompting you to find your passions and embrace your unique talents. Backed up by so much strong energy you are likely to feel an incredible drive to accomplish and achieve in life.

Aquarius: Joint resources and intimate relationships are uppermost this Full Moon. You may want to examine your financial and emotional investments and make any necessary adjustments. Your work and daily routines can become so important they end up taking all your time. Throw out any useless things you’ve been hoarding and make some space in your life. The burst of freedom will do you good and make it easier to keep things in perspective. Later in the month, you can start to prioritise self-care and find a healthy work-life balance.

Pisces: The Virgo Full Moon draws your attention to your partnerships and one-on-one connections. You are prompted to communicate openly and resolve any lingering issues. You’re inclined to let go of anything you believe to be holding you back or simply uninspiring. Find a balance between individual or personal concerns and any desire you have to be of help or service. Doubts fade into the background as a new sense of self, and a more assertive personal style will emerge now. Your relationships need to reflect this energy so everyone gets a good deal.

Kate Arbon

Kate Arbon is a professional Astrologer based in West Cork.

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Thu Mar 2 , 2023
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