July Sun Signs

This month brings some more twists and turns. It could all feel a bit uncertain at times as new potentials crop up, seemingly from nowhere, and choices are not as clear-cut as we would hope.

The last weeks of June brought lots of unexpected events and many things were rerouted whilst priorities had to be reconsidered. 

With both the love and desire planets Venus and Mars currently travelling through the fiery and dramatic Sign, Leo, they connect with the unpredictable planet of change, Uranus. There may be many situations where what we want and what we get are not quite what we expected. This could bring some pleasant surprises as well as open up unimagined possibilities.

The end of June brought us the Square aspect between action-orientated Mars and the wild card Uranus, which enabled a volatile tension to be released. On July 2, it’s the turn of Venus to spark up something out of the ordinary. In Leo this usually harmonious planet may urge you to make a dramatic choice in matters of love or personal taste. Combined with the Full Moon in Capricorn on July 3, this energy is geared towards a new allegiance or a display of affiliation that breaks you out of any rut or habit in your choices, especially when it comes to the company you prefer, the way you express your love language or the larger purchases you consider justified. This theme runs on through into August and September so it may take a while for you to discover what’s genuinely true to your desires and who or what you commit to in the longer term.

The second and third week of July is a time when being clear and direct with the truth is preferable even if it creates some disharmony. With Mercury buzzing around opposite Pluto and connecting with Neptune on June 10, there is a greater chance of deception. lies and fanciful thinking being called out. Anyone who is trying to use deception or illusion to get their way could come unstuck, as Pluto will bring what has been hidden out into the open, either now or later, but it will not stay a secret for much longer.  Mars, the planet of confrontation, is opposite determined Saturn on July 20 and this is like the fast-moving object hitting the brick wall. Something has to give and it’s hard to know how the fallout will land, It is not a time to be rigid or dogmatic as this will just invite conflict.

Throughout July we have the ongoing tension between Pluto the small but powerful planet and the Moon’s nodes. This brings up serious issues around the nature of control and who is driving the direction of our future. The Moon’s nodes on the Taurus/Scorpio axis focus on themes about our use of resources and what is toxic, blocked, restrained or denied to us, compared to what is fundamental, desirable and available to us all. This is a time of purging and replenishment. When the Sun triggers this dynamic around the 22nd we may get to see very clearly what needs to be exposed and expelled. 

When Mercury, the planet of communication, is tensely connected with erratic Uranus on the 23rd there could be a sudden outburst or revelation around these themes. This energy coincides with the beginning of Venus in retrograde. The next several weeks are a time to re-evaluate what is most important and who we want to be connected with. Expect a rerun of some of the drama from around the mid-summer Solstice and this time we might be better equipped to make a sound judgement or fair assessment of what we are being offered. This can apply equally to situations or people in our personal life as to any events or figures on the world stage. 

With so many tense and triggering events this month your personal flow can be directed more towards self-development and maintaining emotional equilibrium. The New Moon in Cancer on July 17 opposite Pluto is the ideal energy to delve a bit deeper into your own unconscious and discover what’s really true for you. Self-honesty can provide a firm foundation for positive connections with others. This is the month to put emotional security high up on the personal ‘to do’ list! 

July has a Full Moon in 12 degrees Capricorn on July 3 at 12.38 pm and a New Moon in 25 degrees Cancer on July 17 at 7.31 pm

Aries: You may have been striving to achieve some longer-term goals and you want the recognition now. Over the coming weeks, you can reach out towards your ambitions. Stand in the spotlight whilst you take time to wave your own flag and get noticed for your contribution. The solid foundations you have created will give you the confidence to go to the next stage. Your strong sense of duty to those that support you means you give praise to others where it’s due. Your role is primarily to live up to the family or social expectations over this Full Moon. Everyone is cheering you on. 

Taurus: Your interest in philosophical and spiritual issues is heightened this month. The powerful need for a strong belief that is solid and true for you demand your attention now. In the past, you will have unconsciously been affected by the convictions and values of those close to you. You can now break out of the less relevant details and expand your inner window on the world to break new ground. Think big and stretch your imagination this Full Moon. Being part of a network of like minds may have been restricting your independence in recent months. It’s important to find your own path and stand by your convictions.

Gemini: This month could be a very transformative time. You unearth resources within yourself that you were previously unaware of. You no longer need to rely on certain items, belongings or even other people as you become more emotionally stable. Over this Full Moon, your experiences will confirm that depending on others undermines your ability to provide for yourself. Take time to stand aside for a moment to recognise where any deals, arrangements or contracts have tied up your energy. This sense of freedom will do you good and you’ll easily see how you have already created your own abundance.

Cancer: Early July has the Sun shining in your own sign and the Full Moon focus is on your relationships. You may have difficulty distinguishing between your own feelings and those of the people closest to you. Tune in to yourself. Allow your partner or close friends to have their own moods. Be careful not to merge your experiences with theirs.  It can be too easy to imagine the reaction of others always has something to do with you. If you have already got a little too involved or caught up with each other recently, take time to stand back now and regroup later this month. 

Leo: This month you can really get things together whilst keeping your focus on the details. You are likely to make yourself indispensable and are happy to take on a lot of tasks to be of service. Once done, you can stand back and take pride in your accomplishments. If you are not careful, however, other people will take advantage of you during this Full Moon. Don’t end up being the martyr by getting distracted from the broader visions and deeper issues in your own life. Take some time to consider your inner motivations and fundamental needs. 

Virgo: Spontaneity is the theme for you this Full Moon and it’s time to loosen up and have some fun. Taking the lead and making some bold statements is also an option. Don’t let friends or your social group dictate your moves. Going just a little bit over the top will be acceptable as your enthusiasm overflows and you get creative with your energy. You have a strong emotional need for some romantic encounters but you do know how to nurture and maintain the romance in an existing relationship too. So go the extra mile and enjoy! 

Libra: This is a time to acknowledge the comfortable and familiar environment that supports you. This Full Moon you might want to spend more time at home or with your family. You’ll be strongly motivated to create a caring and secure environment, but a crowd can be claustrophobic. Draw on your basic security as a source of strength but avoid being overprotective of your private space.  Too many demands from your work colleagues, boss or career goals can find you choosing between withdrawing or having to face a confrontation. Take time out to regenerate then power up for the next surge of productivity. 

Scorpio: Try not to get distracted whilst you tie up important loose ends and meet deadlines. You may want to work towards your real goals and higher aspirations, but the basic tasks take up your attention now. Frustrations can build up but you need to keep some energy for new projects next month. Difficult emotional experiences around this Full Moon can be the result of differing opinions with people in your everyday life. You may clash over beliefs but if you argue your case you could be drawn into irrational arguments and emotional reactivity. 

Sagittarius: You can be a very kind and giving person but you also need to feel secure. Being a little more concerned with your financial status now is probably a good thing although some people may view you as unusually materialistic and possessive. This Full Moon will find you focusing on your personal resources and economic fluctuations. It’s time to rely on your own skills and talents. Be confident in your abilities and turn them to good use. It’s up to you to name your price for your efforts. Depending too much on others can lead to feeling restricted by their expectations.  

Capricorn: With the Full Moon in your sign you are likely to be a glowing example of both vitality and attractiveness. The full force of your feelings have a powerful impact on your surroundings and the people in your life. You may be seen as over-emotional or sentimental, but you know how to provide a truly nurturing environment for others. You’re motivated to show how much concern and care you have for those you love. Your close relationships can be a source of revelation or illumination and you feel better for seeing what has been unexpressed until now. 

Aquarius: During July you need to withdraw from the world so you can commune with nature and focus on your inner feelings. Ideally create a sacred place of your own where you can be alone. Try to work more consciously with the inner world of your imagination through creative work or meditative practice for a few days. Your everyday responsibilities and duties can become overwhelming if you allow them to dominate your life. This Full Moon allows you time to regenerate and find a balance between spiritual and physical needs. 

Pisces: Disconnect from the daily grind and tap into your lighter side for a while. Ensure that you spend time only with people that elevate and support you. This month you desire strong bonds with your friends and you are extremely sensitive to how they treat you. You want fairness and inclusion. Doing what you love most with the people that you care for has the greatest value over the Full Moon. You get the chance to enjoy the good life this month and know you well being can’t be bought through accumulation of assets or wealth. 

Kate Arbon

Kate Arbon is a professional Astrologer based in West Cork.

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