February Sun Signs

February is a good month, in the main part, from the astrological point of view. It certainly has a more positive vibe than we have become used to over the last several months. The potential for a shift in perspective and more options for uplift starts from February 1. Aquarius season is really going to dominate this month, as we have a total of five planets in this sign for most of February. This fixed air sign is all about ideas and those are very often not negotiable. So the trend for strong opinions and rigid agendas are still going to be a big part of unfolding events over the next few weeks. 

Whilst Mercury is busy heading ‘backwards’ through Aquarius, we have Venus travelling at a pace and making rapid forward progress. This activity is almost like a relay team passing planet energy, one to the other. Mercury and Venus passing through Aquarius are triggering Jupiter and Saturn all month. This keeps pulling us back to the issues that became apparent at the Jupiter Saturn conjunction last December 21. Meanwhile, a frustrated Mars in Taurus keeps throwing out a challenging Square to the Aquarius planets. This creates a busy, provocative dynamic that just won’t let things rest. So still expect there to be plenty of challenges to any status quo or pre-defined direction. On February 1, Venus moves into Aquarius, which means that both the beneficial planets are here now, which helps to ease the tension we experienced in January. Mercury is in a retrograde phase in Aquarius until February 21 and, as the messenger planet, is doing a great job connecting the other planets, as it passes back through the sign. This is not a time of pushing forwards. This retrograde allows us to revise our responses and consider what we know before we make our choices or take action. We may come to a new conclusion and see the facts or information from a new perspective as we take a second look. As the month moves on we can expect more revisions and a quicker pace to the debate or public conversations, any news will travel fast and many things will need to be corrected, redacted or re-framed during these weeks. Mercury made a connection with Jupiter on January 11th and now it retraces the path to Jupiter’s current position. Buoyant Jupiter has optimism and opportunity to offer. It also expands and will even exaggerate what it connects with so there may be plenty of hype and situations get blown out of proportion too. With Jupiter, there is always a tone of positivity. There may be better solutions and a possible alternative suggestion for the way forwards. We get a sense of this around February 14, as Mercury reconnects to Jupiter before it goes forwards again to finally connect with Jupiter on March 4. This is when we may get some kind of conclusion or resolution to a theme that has been around since early January. Venus, our planet of sharing and love, connects with Saturn, the planet of duty and stability, on February 6 and you may find this makes you consider what you have adhered to that is of value. Who and what you choose to have in your life may be highlighted. Whatever has stability and enduring qualities will be preferable and there may be the urge to consolidate contracts or relationships if they have stood the test of time to date and look promising for the longer term. On February 7, Venus connects to Uranus, the planet of change and excitement, so this can shake up any stale or rigid scenarios that you are involved in. You may find you need to have your autonomy and self-expression as your priority, and want to cut loose from what doesn’t support you in your unique style or way of connecting. So these few days could see a few shifts and changes, as alliances are formed and broken. We have a very positive New Moon phase on February 11 with another opportunity for forging positive bonds as both the beneficial planets, Venus and Jupiter, connect that day. The signs Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces will have the greatest positive impact from this new Moon. 

We may find that some legal situation or an issue of justice is determined in favour of those asking for fairness or that moral ethics are to be upheld in favour of the common people. This is a time when we can look around to figure out how we progress now we have chosen who to have around us, the ones we want to associate with as we formulate a plan for the future. This potential for positive social connections and good news continues, as Mercury passes Venus on February 13 and Jupiter on February 14. 

The reminder that we are living in a time of change and uncertainty comes from around February 17, as we get an exact square angle formed by Saturn and Uranus, This is the planet signature of 2021 and an indication of the tensions and unrest that brings about rebellion and further restrictions. 

The following days bring a subtle but important shift in the energies from the 18th, as the Sun moves into Pisces followed by Venus on the 25th. This well and truly breaks up the Aquarius party and things become more flexible and fluid. There may still be a theme of instability and uncertainty but there is a more inclusive and forgiving trend as Pisces reaches towards something beyond the mundane and material. Future projections and inevitable consequences are not as fixed or predetermined as they seemed to be since late last year. 

February has a New Moon at 24° Aquarius on February 11 at 7.05pm and a Full Moon at 9° Virgo on February 27 at 8.17am. 

Aries: It’s time to think more about how your ideals fit in with the people around you. The real rewards from your efforts and hard work are going to become apparent. Use this opportunity to make a positive move towards openness and be prepared to accept or offer credit where it’s due. If you are not getting the appreciation you feel you deserve then maybe it’s time to up your game or move along. Only you know how much you have really invested and what you are worth. You may be pleasantly surprised to see who supports you and has your interests close to their own heart.

Taurus: As much as you love the security of knowing where you stand, you also want to get ahead and be appreciated. Now is the time to call up your wildest dreams and take the risk of following them. You will be able to step back and see the longer view this month so make your plans and set your course for a much more significant role. You’ll soon have the opportunity of being out in the public eye or getting some promotion. Consider what really works for you and how you are making the practical moves towards the work or occupation that really resonates.

Gemini: It’s a great time for planning, dreaming up new schemes, or rearranging the way you look at things. You are ready for new understanding and insight, and will probably find yourself wanting to read, study or research to gain clarity or knowledge. Patterns or habits you establish now do not need to be perfected until later, so you can stick to a vague outline until you’ve got the basic plan established. You could find an opportunity to connect with many more people or different cultures outside of your usual circles. There is so much to learn over the next few months.

Cancer: This is a time of renewal for you so be prepared for some real transformation. Start this phase with determination to throw out some old worn-out ways and unproductive thinking. February gives you a pause to assess how much your involvement with others is beneficial. You can address your anxiety about sharing and being interdependent. As you face where you may be vulnerable, especially on a practical day-to day-level, you’ll help guide others to make their own decisions. You dare to be honest with yourself and this encourages others to be honest about their own concerns. You’ll be appreciated for the support.

Leo: This is the time to strengthen the bonds that are of value and loosen the ties that aren’t. Find the balance in your most important relationships. It is not always equal but it has to be fair. Things have changed and it may take some renegotiation to see what works well now. Your increased receptivity to the needs of others brings you to a listening role in which you can give support and nourishment. There is always room for improvement and you may get some pleasant surprises as you offer an openhearted response to the people in your life.

Virgo: This month causes you to think more deeply about how you give your time and energy to others. Being of service and taking care of the important things in life is a worthy occupation. There may be many more opportunities to take on responsibilities or step up where it’s needed. Consider which long term projects will give you the greatest sense of personal achievement. It’s not always about other people though, and you may have to take a step back to see if you are trying too hard. It’s your responsibility to ensure that your mind, body and spirit are being looked after.

Libra: Your desire for the security of love and intimacy is heightened this month. There is a practical and human side to all romantic connections. You may have been trying to fit reality to your expectations with disappointing results. Even if love affairs are not the main theme you will still want to be having fun now and not be tied to a tedious daily routine. If things have become stale then you need to find the reason. Your own ability to be creative and find the lighter side of life will make all the difference. Remember what you enjoyed most as a child and try to build on the simple pleasures for more lasting satisfaction.

Scorpio: The foundations of your past, your family and the roots that you sprung from are very significant now. You’ll be thinking of ways that you can gather something from your previous experiences into your current life to enhance the future. There is an extra focus on the people and places that have been important in your life and someone may make a re-appearance. Its time to reconsider who or what to include in your current plans now. Creating a peaceful home and harmonious base for yourself is a priority and it’s important to avoid being distracted by any other family issues.

Sagittarius: This is no time to be taking it easy because your skills are required in many areas and friends and neighbours will benefit from your knowledge or experience. It may be your job to sort the worthwhile from the unnecessary and dispel confusion over certain matters. You will be using all your communication skills and connecting with people to a greater extent in the coming months. Take your time now to consider your position and what you put across so you aren’t seen as indecisive or unpredictable. Make sure you can still stand behind any advice and recommendations in the longer term.

Capricorn: You have a strong appreciation of what has value, and what doesn’t, and as such, you can achieve success providing for the basic needs of your self and others. You may have reason to step back and re-evaluate some of your longterm investments this month. That’s not all about finances though. This is about your time and energy, your focus and attention. The talents and abilities you have built up over the years are your security and if you put them to good use you will find the stability you’re reaching for. Wise decisions are based on knowing what is right for you and that’s not always about playing it safe.

Aquarius: You want the chance to make some kind of statement about who you are. It’s all about what sets you apart from others rather than what you share in common. Start with an identity reality check. This re-evaluation of how you put your self across may take your whole attention this month. Personal development, spiritual connection and physical well being all require an assessment. If you pass your own test that’s great but you will still find ways you want to include more and push the boundaries a bit further. This is about you and your journey right now. Other people in your life are a valuable bonus.

Pisces: It’s not a time for taking on too much. Start the month slowly with plenty of time to delve into that impressive imaginative resource that is your inner world. This is a time of reorganising yourself on a subtle level and it’ll take a while to become aware of the changes. Spending time alone or out of the whirl of work or social demands gives you time to explore your creativity. Self-reflection is a valuable tool and your personal discoveries will serve you well into the future. Use your natural ability to connect to the universal flow and you’ll enjoy the enhanced intuition and broader vision.

Kate Arbon

Kate Arbon is a professional Astrologer based in West Cork.

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Tue Feb 9 , 2021
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