December Sun Signs

Don’t wait until New Year’s Day to set your intentions for 2023. December is the month for dreaming up your future. With the powerful and creative forces around right now, you can use the Astro energies to manifest the future you want.

The month starts with creative passions activated by Venus in Sagittarius opposite Mars in Gemini. Venus joins with Mercury in Sagittarius and this combination completes a tense square to Neptune in dreamy Pisces. This sequence urges us to tap into the potential for fulfilment. Venus is looking for adventures and Mercury is brimming with ideas. Mars wants to do something new and exciting and Neptune gives us visionary insight. The Moon slips into the orb of Neptune on December 1. This provides an intuitive sense that can see into the alternative possibilities that lie ahead. 

The first few days of this month give extra manifestation power to our intentions and it is wise to use this time for imagining the most positive vision you can muster. Neptune turns from being retrograde since late June, adding momentum to the force of our creativity from December 4.

Four planets move into Cardinal signs this month and these are extra potent Zodiac points that contribute to the energy of new beginnings. 

In addition to the more dreamy start to the month, we have several other indications that December is a time of laying a foundation for what is to come. Mercury and Venus move into Capricorn on December 6 and 10 and this earthy sign is capable of tangible actualisation. The results from our visions and intentions can be grounded in reality. 

In the midst of this, the Full Moon on December 8 combines with Mars in Gemini. This is a time when what we have sown comes back to us in fruition. Our previous words and thoughts can rise to the surface. Mars in retrograde may make us feel some discomfort over what was said in the past or about beliefs we expressed openly. It may also be a time of super-assertive forms of communication, as emotions will run high and confrontation is possible. The best use of this wave of energy is to use it as a moment to confront our less peaceful ideals and deliver some compassion to ourselves and others. Take the insight and new perspective as an indication of how your personal intentions can be forged into a more positive plan for our collective future. 

The bold and expansive planet Jupiter started its forward motion again in late November and is now heading into Aries on December 20. This puts us in the mood for taking big steps towards our goals. The Moon is in Scorpio (the other Mars-ruled sign) during the ingress. This energy puts the individual experience centre-stage and fires up courage and assertiveness to get what you want. It is a very potent time. The Solstice occurs the following day drawing pure fire energy through the grounding sign of Capricorn. This sea-goat sign expects to reach the heights of its ambition through effort and diligence. It has a determined attitude and can undergo hardship to achieve its vision. The Solstice is a trigger point for new beginnings and the next phase of growth. The combined life-enhancing energy of the Sun with Jupiter in a tense square aspect at this pivotal point sets the trend for the next six months. This urges us to make the best of ourselves and reach our highest expectations. Be sure you love what you want. 

The New Moon also occurs in the early degrees of Capricorn on December 23, adding to the theme of aspiration and creative force. The month ends with the start of a Mercury retrograde phase that continues through to mid-January and ensures we’ll have the chance to reflect on what we have created during December.

With a strong Neptune energy enabling creative manifestation and the Capricorn materialisation making our dreams into reality – be aware of what you are dreaming up and imagining, as this can very easily become your reality in the following months. 

This is the time to do, be, and align with, what you love most.

Look for the 2023 year ahead preview in the January edition. Warmest wishes for the Solstice Season.  

December has a Full Moon at 17 degrees Gemini on December 8 at 4.08 am and a New Moon at 2 degrees Capricorn on December 23 at 10.16 am 

Aries: Any difficult emotional experiences may result from having strong differences of opinion. Could it be that everybody is trying to get their message through but no one is listening Conversations are easily swayed by irrational arguments and emotions. Finding a peaceful balance is the goal but takes a dedicated focus to achieve. Tie up important loose ends and meet deadlines over this Full Moon. Later his month will bring more time for a new project or mental challenge that will refresh you. You could be making plans for travelling or starting a new class or training programme in the following weeks.

Taurus: This Full Moon will find your attention on personal resources and economic fluctuations. You can be a very kind and giving person but you also need to feel secure. Being a little more concerned with your financial status now is probably a good thing although some people may view you as unusually materialistic and possessive. This is a time to cash in on some of your hard-earned investments and name your price for your efforts. Be confident in your skills and abilities and turn them to good use now as others will notice and reward you later.

Gemini: With the Full Moon in your sign, it’s time to bring any critical personal projects to a conclusion whilst you have the energy required to satisfy your own high standards. You are likely to be a glowing example of both vitality and attractiveness in the coming weeks so let your personality truly shine. You can expect to have a powerful impact on your surroundings through your moods and feelings. You may be emotional or sentimental, but you know how to provide a truly nurturing environment for others. You’re motivated to show how much concern and care you have for loved ones now.

Cancer: You need to withdraw from the world from time to time and commune with nature or your inner feelings. During this Full Moon, you are extremely sensitive to your environment and could spend a lot of time enveloped in a very private emotional world. Ideally, create a place of your own which is sacred to you where you can be alone. In this private retreat, you can work more consciously with the inner world of your imagination through creative work or meditative practice for a few days and then see your dreams manifest over the following months.

Leo: You have the desire for strong bonds with your friends and you are extremely sensitive to how they treat you over the Full Moon. You are both caring and concerned for their personal development, but easily hurt if they let you down in any way. Ensure that you spend time only with people that elevate and support you. Disconnect from the daily grind and tap into your lighter side for a while. Over the next few weeks, you will remember that enjoyment of the good life is more about your own sense of well-being and not dependent on money, friendship or possessions.

Virgo: You have a strong sense of duty and you can feel that your role is primarily to live up to family or social expectations over this Full Moon. You may have been striving to achieve some predefined goals and you want the recognition now. Over the coming weeks, you can reach out for what you want for yourself. Stand in the spotlight whilst acting the part of your unique self in all your glory. Ensure you take time out to wave your own flag and get noticed for your contribution before a new surge of personal creativity rolls in after this eclipse mid-month.

Libra: Think big and stretch your imagination this Full Moon. In the past, you will have unconsciously been affected by the convictions and values of those close to you. Nurture your personal beliefs. Attend to what is solid and true for you now. Your interest in philosophical and spiritual areas is heightened this month so use the time to expand your inner window on the world and break new ground. The feeling of suddenly having understood something can have you wondering where to put your focus next, but that will take care of itself down the line.

Scorpio: Over this Full Moon, your experiences will confirm that you must not depend on other people or your possessions to provide emotional security for you. This could be a very transformative few days when you might unearth resources within yourself that you were previously unaware of. Allow yourself to stand aside for a moment and recognise what has really tied up your energy in recent weeks. You no longer need to rely on certain items or belongings as you become more emotionally stable. New beginnings require the space to grow and this sense of freedom will help your creativity. 

Sagittarius: With the Sun shining in your own sign it puts the Full Moon focus on your relationships. This marks the start of a new phase. Tune in to yourself, and allow your partner or close friends to have their moods without imagining they are a result of your own actions. Connecting with others in a special moment can be enjoyed. When close allies or partners become your main focus you could be thinking that you have all got a little too involved or caught up with each other recently and soon you’ll need to stand back. This month will help get you back to balance.

Capricorn: Basic tasks could take up all of your attention. It’s easy to get distracted from the broader vision of your life during this Full Moon. You are likely to make yourself indispensable by being of service to the physical needs of others. Being happy to take on new responsibilities, both in your career and around the house is part of this month’s theme. If you are not careful, however, other people will take advantage of you. Early December starts a phase of getting things together for yourself. Once done, you’ll be able to stand back and take pride in your accomplishments.

Aquarius: Spontaneity is the keyword for you this Full Moon and it’s time to loosen up and have some fun. Taking the lead and making some strong statements is also an option. Going just a little bit over the top will be acceptable now as this is a time of celebration for all. Passion and intensity can run rampant as your enthusiasm overflows so get creative with your energy. You have a strong emotional need for some romantic encounters but you do know how to nurture and maintain the romance in an existing relationship too. So go the extra mile and enjoy!

Pisces: This month you may find you need to spend more time at home. You can find great pleasure in looking after children or family, cooking, making home improvements and so on. Feeling very sensitive to the moods of others is also heightened, especially if you share your personal space. Although you’ll be strongly motivated to create a caring and secure environment, a crowd can become claustrophobic. You can get on each other’s nerves. Later this month there is more time to acknowledge the comfortable and familiar environment that supports you. Draw on it as a source of strength for building a future that really suits your personality. 

Kate Arbon

Kate Arbon is a professional Astrologer based in West Cork.

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