August Sun Signs

This month starts at a hectic pace with several major astrological dynamics kicking in before the Full Moon on August 3. This rapid fire of interplanetary contacts keeps up for the whole of August. It’s easier to count the days that have nothing of note this month, Don’t expect to feel settled and certain about anything, as situations and events keep evolving. The general tone is not especially difficult or negative but it’s changeable and frustrating at the same time. If you’re feeling like you should be acting on your plans for the future or that you really must do something to get things moving, then you are in tune with the planets. Unfortunately the planets are also firmly saying that no amount of pushing forward right now is going to pay off well. In fact you may even make mistakes in your haste, or come up against opposition that simply adds further complications. Just accept that you aren’t in possession of all the facts or the full story, so you could be ‘wasting ammunition by firing at the wrong target’. 

This is a theme that we will have to contend with during the coming months and into the New Year. It’s as well to pace your self now rather than burn out from trying too hard. Ensure you have resilience by conserving energy for the longer term. 

The important thing to work with in the coming weeks is managing your own energy. Find ways to divert the rising sense of urgency into something that will not tax you or leave you feeling more anger and impotence than before. The advice is to choose your battles wisely, don’t assume you know your enemy and only engage when you really must. 

Mars is making its presence known this month. It’s all about action and asserting the will.  Mars wants to get things done and it wants it’s own way. Mars is very empowered in its home sign of Aries so we are going to experience a warrior energy and a sense of  ‘might is right’ in many places. On a personal level it’s perfect for mustering the willpower. But there is the potential for a clash of wills and this is where the trouble starts. It’s as if everyone wants to be right about how things are, and then have the world around them behave accordingly.   

August starts with Mercury, the planet of our thoughts and communication at odds with the slow moving planets in Capricorn. These heavyweights, Pluto and Saturn, are informing us about the restrictions and changes that area taking place globally Things in our society are being restructured at a rapid rate. The Pluto Saturn combination tells the story of control and restrictions. Pluto is the planet that brings our fears to the surface and Saturn contains us within boundaries. When Mercury is challenging this pair it can cast a new light of understanding onto the situation that’s presented to us. There is the chance that we will we recognise how we create our own fears by choosing what we believe. The story of Plato’s Cave is a good allegory for this dynamic. 

Mercury moves to confront Pluto and Saturn at the same time Uranus, the planet of freedom, insight and authenticity, gets involved in a challenging aspect with the Sun Moon combinations at the Full Moon on August 3.  

This first week might see some insights and revelations come to light and these can be the catalyst for making new decisions or changing the course you were on. Then Mars moves to seriously challenge Jupiter on August 4, so this can increase the sense of determination to expand horizons or have a new viewpoint or experience. Mars is then up against Pluto on August 13 and there may be a power struggle or battle of wills. Mars makes this same square aspect to Saturn on August 24. So we are firmly held back from acting on our wants and wishes and our personal will is restricted.  

Whilst the practical, productive level of our activity seems to be thwarted or blocked, the month is not lacking movement. There are many shifts and changes and we will see several new dynamics emerge. Venus leaves Gemini, for the first time since early April, and stays in Cancer for a few weeks. This is a nurturing and home loving placement so wanting to enhance the familiar and comfortable aspects of life is going to be uppermost for many. Mercury is really at high speed now and travels in three different signs this month. Shifting into Leo on August 5 to join exactly with the Sun on August 17. This happens about three times a year and offers a reset moment. It’s a time of re-alignment with our more creative self. Our intentions can reconnect with our core or vital energy and reaffirm a sense of purpose. Mercury swiftly moves on through the sign of Leo and enters Virgo on the August 20 just after the New moon of August 19. This is a good day for really sowing the seeds of positive intentions and shifting thought patterns to a new level of expectation. This whole month our external world and the global situation will keep us guessing as to what’s next and what’s true. Confusion may become normal and uncertainty is here to stay for a while. But the planets are supporting us in uncovering the cause of our fears and giving us the opportunity to take responsibility for our choices and responses, even if we can’t seem to do much about the present circumstances. 

The August Full Moon is at 12°Aquarius on August 3 at 4.58pm and the New Moon is at 27° Leo on August 19 at 3.41am 

Aries: The role you play in your community or social group is in focus this month. What you have to offer is appreciated and you can reap the rewards of your past contributions. Give yourself the opportunity to meet the right people and the benefits will soon follow. The phrase “what you put in is what you get out” is the clue. The astral weather is perfect for creativity and you’ll find that your imagination flows faster and easier than usual after the 19th. Break out the inner child, drop your seriousness and just have some fun. 

Taurus: Getting recognition for what you do well takes on extra significance during August. Self-acknowledgment is important but now you need some approval from those you respect. It may seem like constant hard work recently but the New Moon phase mid month will bring a much-needed chance to relax with loved ones. If things on the home front don’t match your expectations you may start to fight for your right to peace and harmony. It’s a good time to start new home-related projects as a way to use that extra energy in a constructive manner.

Gemini: Be prepared to open your mind to new ideas and lifestyles. Travel, higher learning, study and spiritual matters are on your mind during early August. You’ve had enough of the ‘everyday’ in life and you want freedom to explore or invite new experiences into your life. You’ll likely find your attention and energy go into taking care of details and side issues later in the month. Whatever happens, it will be nothing but action by mid month with plenty of options. Don’t be too impulsive but just be sure you get your ideas out there in some form whatever it takes.

Cancer: Your attention may be drawn to the patterns that create life’s ups and downs but you may just be focused on the negative side of a cycle at the expense of the positive. Take time to consider how you’re shaping up financially. A couple of slow weeks may not be as productive as you hoped but don’t loose sleep over things that only time can remedy. Pause to consider what is worth keeping and what you can release. Smooth out what doesn’t flow well in your life in preparation for a more constructive phase after the New Moon on August 19. 

Leo: With the Sun in your sign take this favourable opportunity to shine. It’s a time of personal beginnings and you may find yourself in the limelight. Interesting and stimulating people may come into your life. You get the boost you need right now so just enjoy the generosity of others. It’s time to deal with any relationship issues so find time for intimate encounters or mutual experiences. You’re aware of how much you have to give but there needs to be a healthy balance of give and take to feel it’s a two-way energy flow. 

Virgo: During the next weeks your attention will be on the practical demands of life and this can create some stress. You feel that you need to do more. If you invest in yourself now then you can put your best foot forward with confidence later in the month. Any self-improvement effort pays rewards. Regardless of how extrovert and outgoing you might usually feel, the New Moon on August 19 is a time to withdraw and spend some time alone. You will benefit by taking a few days to rest and recuperate, mentally, emotionally and physically as you revitalise your spirit. 

Libra: Your creative powers are at a peak. You may be surprised at what you come up with by just playing around with ideas or projects. Your romantic feelings are more intense too. You need to understand what you really want. Try to be emotionally open without worrying about the outcome. It can be worth risking an upset just so you can share what you feel with those that matter the most later this month. Friends and connections are playing an important role right now but avoid taking things too seriously. New opportunities in the community are around the corner. 

Scorpio: Home and family matters have taken your attention and will occupy your life for a couple of weeks. Concentrate your energy into ventures that give you a sense of security and wellbeing. Familiar surroundings and intimate company allows you to nurture what’s really important to you. Expect new developments in career matters and a welcome reward with a sense of fulfillment to emerge by mid month. The pressure to produce can be a bit intense but take time to plan ahead before you take on any new commitments. It is as important to listen now as it is to act. 

Sagittarius: Helping out with neighbours or getting involved in community projects is very rewarding but you will feel restless if you don’t find enough to stimulate your mind. Seek out alternative activities or change your daily routines. It’s a great time for planning or rearranging the way you look at things.  More opportunities will become available during the next few weeks but avoid hasty commitments. Try to keep both feet on the ground around mid month as your excitement rises. The impulse for new experiences is very strong and emotions may run away with you. 

Capricorn: August finds you concerned with your material and financial security. It’s time to consider if you are making the best of your natural skills and abilities. The New Moon phase on August 19 is a good time to re-evaluate what it is that you really aspire to. It may turn out that you’ve changed on a deeper level since you made your plans for the future. Including another person in the next phase may be what’s needed. You have opportunities to share your skills and connect with people who reflect your core values. 

Aquarius: Your need for unique self-expression is priority. Relationships are meant to be a two-way flow but now you want to just be yourself without compromise. Your current mood doesn’t make for sharing and you may receive some emotional intensity directed your way during the next few weeks. Taking things personally can cause misunderstandings. How you respond could largely shape the direction of an important relationship. Being open to a new level of closeness may be a challenge but it will be rewarding. 

Pisces: You can be very productive this month by just quietly working away behind-the-scenes. Reconnecting with your inner world is important for your sense of equilibrium. Valuable insights and breakthroughs are possible. Enjoy the quiet ‘alone time’ whilst you can as the demands of your outer world will encroach again soon enough. It can be easy to get worried about health matters or everyday responsibilities especially during the New Moon phase mid month. Moderation is the key. Make sure you’re not expecting too much of yourself. You don’t want to run out of steam because you can’t keep up with yourself.

Kate Arbon

Kate Arbon is a professional Astrologer based in West Cork.

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