New home for Clonakilty office of Employability Service

Job coaches Emer Sweeney and Mags Donovan Daly at their new office in Clonakilty.

EmployAbility Service West Cork’s Clonakilty Office has a new home at 15 Wolfe Tone Way. This service is funded by the Department of Social Protection (DSP) and provides employment supports to people who are unemployed or have been out of work through illness, injury, disability, or any other disadvantaged groups most distant from the open labour market who wish to find meaningful employment. EmployAbility also provides supports for employers to employ persons facing obstacles and to assist with employee integration into the workforce.

Emer Sweeney, Job Coach in Clonakilty, explains that “EmployAbility Service West Cork has five offices throughout West Cork and services from Castletownbere through to Kinsale. The role of the Job Coach is to provide critical supports for jobseekers to join the open labour market. We work on a one-to-one basis with clients of the service, providing an individual support, considering attributes and aspirations whilst planning how to address the barriers that clients may face in gaining and maintaining employment. In my role I help to match skills, interests, and talents with employment opportunities; examining tasks involved in the job and planning the supports that the client will require and provide assistance in developing the technical and social skills required to do the job”.

Job Coach Mags Donovan Daly add that “The EmployAbility Service Job Coach also provides supports for employers to employ clients of this service, liaising and engaging with employers to identify potential opportunities for clients, as well as the needs of employers. They play an active and leading role in informing and influencing employers with regard to the benefits of employing clients of the service and assist with employee integration into the workforce”.

If you are looking for support in gaining employment in the Clonakilty region and would like to speak with a job coach please call Emer on 086 8395058 or email,

 or call Mags on 086 6031335, email 

For further information visit

 EmployAbility Services are funded by the Irish Government through the Department of Social Protection. Tá Seirbhísí Infhostaitheachta maoinithe ag Rialtas na hÉireann tríd an Roinn Gnóthaí Fostaíochta agus Coimirce Sóisialaí

The new office address is: 15, Wolfe Tone Way, Clonakilty, P85 HY24.

WCP Staff

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