Letter-writing project will reflect the good things about life during Covid-19

The Community Education Service at Cork ETB has started a letter-writing project ‘Time to Connect: A Letter of Gratitude’.

The idea is simple. Write a letter of appreciation to someone who inspired you and that you never got round to thank or acknowledge. It could be an act of kindness, a gesture, something someone said that has remained with you – anything that has been significant for you and has made your life all the better for it.  

And if not a person it could be a poem, a prayer, a song, or a piece of wisdom. And/or something you are really proud of achieving in your own life.

Lena Cronin, Community Education Facilitator at CETB, is organising the project and is inviting the public to partake. “Some people are working at the front line, some are unemployed, some of us are working remotely, some are housebound, we are all concerned and wondering how best to deal with this virus, Covid 19. 

“Social distancing is difficult for all of us and we all have a deep need for connection.

“If there is an upside to the current situation it is that we all have time to slow down, to reflect. We are a nation of storytellers, singers, musicians, poets – we have an appreciation of the written and spoken word. We also have an indomitable spirit and great hearts.

“The Italians are singing from their balconies; the Spanish are cheering their healthcare and frontline workers; they are lighting candles in Kerry as a mark of solidarity and hope. It is with a similar intention – that of invoking praise, gratitude, hope, and a sense of community that I invite you to partake in this project.”

The letter can be hand-written and posted to the address below or hand-written and scanned and emailed to Lena at Lena.Cronin@corketb.ie, whatever is easiest.

Lena hopes to put these letters on the CETB website/social media pages and perhaps also read some out on local radio. The plan is to compile them into a book or/and show as an exhibition of letters when the crisis is past

You may wish to use your own name, initials, or make up a name for yourself. Also you may want to use another name for the person you write about. Please indicate if the letter may be read out on Radio/TV or printed in media should the opportunity for this arise.

Postal address: Lena Cronin, Time to Connect, Cork Education and Training Board, 21, Lavitt’s Quay, Cork.

Email: Lena.Cronin@corketb.ie

WCP Staff

WCP Staff Writer

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Cope Foundation launches #WhoIMiss fundraising campaign to keep the people it supports connected during Covid-19 crisis

Wed Apr 15 , 2020
Cope Foundation, the Cork based organisation supporting people with disabilities, is on a mission to keep the people it supports connected to the community they are missing during the Covid-19 crisis. The organisation is launching #WhoIMiss, a fundraising campaign to raise €20,000 to purchase communications devices such as smartphones and […]
