Twenty-three years ago John O’Shaughnessy and Leeanne Wolverton locked eyes at a wedding in Limerick and within a week of spinning around sightseeing together had fallen completely head over heels for each other. Love knows no boundaries and, after their romance continued to burgeon across the Atlantic, Leeanne shortened the […]
Health & Lifestyle
Having taken down the decorations, is the house feeling a little sad and bare? We’ve been surrounded by sparkling lights and baubles for so long that such a feeling is completely normal at this more dormant time of the year. To alleviate the January blues, now is the perfect time […]
A part from teaching your dog the basic commands, there are some other methods to deepen the bond with your canine companion. Many people complain to me that their dog doesn’t listen to them. That’s usually a correct assumption because you need to train your dog to focus on you. […]
Aries: This is a time to acknowledge the comfortable and familiar environment that supports you. This Full Moon you might want to spend more time at home or with your family. You’ll be strongly motivated to create a caring and secure environment, but a crowd can be claustrophobic. Draw on […]
The look of sheer panic and dread in the eyes when I suggest letting go of clothes that someone hasn’t worn for years… Does the idea of this trigger your fears? Letting go can be a real problem for certain people. Granted, so many of us grew up in times […]
Cases of burnout spike in January after going back to work, but there are things you can do to help yourself avoid it. You know that exercising is good for releasing stress, but have you ever thought about how your food could help you with how you feel? asks Health […]