Inclining the mind towards what is good in our lives instead of dwelling on past misadventures is so important for our mental health. As I reflect on the past year in terms of learning and teaching mindfulness, I owe a large amount of gratitude to the growing community of people […]
Health & Lifestyle
In this month’s column, Dr Featherstone talks men’s health and wellness or rather the lack of it! Might I just say at the outset that I accept a few things as a male doctor. I welcome equal rights and opportunities and the fact that in my GP World lady doctors […]
What is the basic psychological reason that the majority of women need to have so many clothes in their wardrobe and continue to buy more and more? Do you recognise yourself in there? Have you ever stopped up and wondered why? Do you put yourself under pressure to keep buying […]
Yorkshire native Hayley Milthorpe set up her business The Cultured Food Company in West Cork in 2014 after realising there was a gap in the market in Ireland for live fermented foods, which support and enhance digestion. She launched a range of raw unpasteurised sauerkrauts. After qualifying as a nutritional […]
Every Sunday in October and November at 2pm, host Sharon Poulter will be giving a 45-minute guided tour of The Castle house and guest rooms. Meet in the Café, €8 per person. Discover the story behind the Townshend family eleven generations on and about their beautiful 17th Century castellated home […]
St James’ Junior A footballers captured the Bandon Co-Op South West Junior A football championship title for the first time in their history after they defeated Ballinascarthy by two points, following a thrilling divisional final clash played in Timoleague on Sunday, September 22. There were euphoric scenes of delight when […]