BY EOIN ROE, CHIROPRACTIC Everywhere you turn these days there is advice telling you to eat a healthy diet, become a vegan or at least a vegetarian, and do more exercise. There is also no doubt that diet and exercise are two areas where we have the ability to seriously […]
Chiropractor Eoin Roe advises on the importance of not ignoring back pain during this ‘new normal’ we live in The ‘new normal’ seems to be the refrain of the moment. There are certainly huge changes for all of us in the way we work, socialise and live especially in the […]
Spots, pimples, blemishes – no doubt you’ll be familiar with what having a spot or two is like. Unfortunately, when it comes to breakouts, these aren’t solely confined to our hormonal teenage years, many adults still suffer from spots. However, this doesn’t mean that you’re powerless against them. Whether it’s […]
DOCTOR’S ORDERS Where did 2019 go? In fact, where did the last decade go to? Happy New Year and let’s make it a healthy one. As a doctor working in A&E, the challenges have been huge, even on my part-time basis. I was expecting to meet Simon Harris at the […]
In this month’s column, Dr Featherstone talks men’s health and wellness or rather the lack of it! Might I just say at the outset that I accept a few things as a male doctor. I welcome equal rights and opportunities and the fact that in my GP World lady doctors […]