It’s great to be writing this with the sun shining and a bit of warmth in the air. Pat from Sherkin Island kindly shared his story with us last month and it sparked a lot of interest in the topic of using different materials for retrofitting especially in his case […]

This month Birdwatch West Cork Committee Chair Jez Simms shares one of his favourite birds, the Hoopoe (Upupa epops). When I was very young and first started looking through bird books and field guides, I noticed one fantastic looking exotic creature which the books described as a very rare spring […]

This month Birdwatch West Cork committee member Damaris Lysaght shares one of her favourite birds, the Greenshank. The Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) is on my short list of favourite birds. How could anyone not be impressed by this sleek, elegant and clean-cut bird, with its dark grey wings and back, and […]
