At a meeting of Cork County Council, on Monday, July 22, a surprising motion was passed to ask the government to review its application of the wildlife act with regards to verge/hedge cutting and maintenance of footpaths. Only the Social Democrats voted against the motion. Fiona Hayes writes on the […]

There are many animals that reach a great age. Tortoises and turtles are especially long-lived. In his lovely 1948 book ‘Over the Reefs’, Cork-born writer and artist Robert Gibbings (whose father was rector of St. Multose Church in Kinsale) told of a radiated tortoise called Tu’i Malila that lived as […]

There are no two ways about it, upgrading your home is expensive. The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, (SEAI) offers financial support via a number of grant schemes but it only really covers 30-50 per cent of the cost,  leaving a sizeable balance which homeowners need to fund form their […]
