Committee Member Jez Simms tells us more about the extraordinary influx this March of a bird only occasionally seen in Ireland. At the time of writing, in the third week of March, an unprecedented ornithological event is taking place across Ireland (and the British Isles) with the largest ever influx […]

Susan O’Flaherty founded RetroKit with her husband Xavier and his business partner Shay a week before Covid and lockdown. Three years on, the business is going from strength to strength. RetroKit is a software platform that helps housing professionals make evidence-based investment decisions for their energy upgrade projects.  Xavier and […]

by Nicholas Mitchell The Branch has a full programme of events planned for this spring and summer in West Cork.  We started spring with a visit to Kinsale Marsh on February 12, led by Prof. John Quinn from the Department of Biological Earth and Environmental Sciences at UCC. With his […]
