What a great end to an amazing summer! This year I sowed a few areas of wildflower seeds here at Deelish and even across  the road for my neighbour. The results were and still are fantastic. We have had nonstop flowers from May right through the summer. Our bees, pollinators […]

You may hear ‘green manures’ and think green poo! Green manures are actually plants which are grown to benefit the soil and are an organic way to: 1) improve the soil fertility, including adding valuable nitrogen; 2) improve the soil structure, giving better drainage or water retention; 3) suppress weeds; […]

With so many products available for feeding your plants, it can be a bit daunting. Noah looks at the different options and which best might suit you and your plants needs. Most plants create meals for themselves in the form of sugar. This process is called photosynthesis (‘photo’ meaning light […]
