Who doesn’t love a bank holiday? It’s a day off from work. A day to celebrate, to lounge around, or perhaps even an occasion to grab a quick break away as most bank holidays are tacked on to a Monday to create a three-day weekend. This year we’re getting a […]
A West Cork Life
Like the rest of the country, I began 2023 feeling like death warmed over. Our first proper Christmas since lockdown 2020 and many of us were too sick to party. It was a pick and mix lottery of diseases, but most of us got a winning ticket of sniffles, coughs, […]
And just like that it’s the last month of the year. After such a great summer and a lovely autumn, I almost forgot that the dark days were on the way – until I looked up at 4:30pm and noticed that it was pitch black outside. Let’s face it, it […]
It’s been a glorious September this year. Golden. Warm. Sea swimming and beer garden gigs. The good weather has added a few extra weeks to the feeling of summer in the garden, not to mention my mood. The bounty has been wonderful: tomatoes, squash, potatoes, the last of the green […]
When we first came to the village to view the house that would become our home, I was shocked to see a little boy of around six standing on the side of the road. I was about to stop and ask if he was lost when an even smaller boy […]
As I sit myself down to write this August 2022 column, I am thinking back to the day thirty years ago that changed my life forever. It was one of those three-seasons-in-one sort of day when we unloaded the car in front of our rental home on Inchydoney. My sister […]