Within the next couple of years it is estimated that about half of the population in Europe will suffer from some sort of allergy. Autoimmune diseases are on the rise, especially in our part of the world and nobody can really explain exactly why. While we know that some diseases […]

When are we too old to move? As life starts and we learn to stand, sit, walk and run, a whole world of movement opens up to us. Most of us have childhood memories of running around outside, being monkeys on the playground, biking, climbing and everything in-between. But at […]

Spring is officially here and, with brighter and warmer days, we feel the need to spend more time outside. This spring and summer you can make the most of your outdoor time by using your surroundings for training. I hope you can find the inspiration you need in this guide […]

By the time you are reading this, January will have passed and left a blazing trail of ‘new me’s’ in the gyms, on the roads and in the sport clubs. If you are someone with a New Year’s resolution involving a healthier, fitter life, read on for more tips and […]

As I look forward to the year ahead, I reflect on the one just past. Not since I first stepped into a boxing ring with the intention to beat my opponent, have I had such a dedicated momentum of training as in 2022. This was the year where my three-year-old […]

December is often filled with extra chores – cooking, baking, cleaning, shopping for presents and so on – so I don’t blame you for thinking there is no time for anything else this month. It’s the reason so many of us wait until January to do something for our health! […]
