“So I chastised a great multitude of men and women with the lash of starvation and, alas! was the cruel murderer of many thousands….” – William the Conqueror William the Conqueror is most notably known for being the King that triumphed at the Battle of Hastings. In 1066 William and […]
“I do think it’s worth pointing out that epidemics of dancing had always been very rare – a big gap, for example, between the 1370s and 1518; so perhaps it is not all that surprising that the events in Strasbourg were not repeated soon after.” – John Waller With the […]
West Cork People history columnist Shane Daly is currently working as a schoolteacher in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. Back in May, Shane gave us an insight into life under curfew in the UAE during the pandemic. Now all business and schools in Abu Dhabi are operating, albeit […]
Last month the documentary ‘Unquiet Graves’ by Seán Murray aired on Irish television. The film took four years to make and two years of relentless questioning and pressure by Mr. Murray before RTÉ commissioned it to air, as the broadcaster felt the information contained within was too sensitive for the […]
“They were put on a rich diet and began to recover and put weight on but then they died suddenly.” –Laurie Pettit Refeeding syndrome for many centuries was an unknown entity and remained somewhat of a myth until the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps in 1945; it is also […]
“Time me gentlemen.”– Robert Liston If you needed surgery in the 19th century, the pace at which it could be performed was paramount to the patient. The reason being that anaesthetic, antibiotics and antiseptics had all not yet been invented. Therefore, if you needed an operation such as amputation, mastectomy, […]