UCC ranked among the best universities in the world for sustainable development

University College Cork (UCC) is ranked as one of the leading universities internationally working towards creating a sustainable world. UCC was ranked 32 in the world by the Times Higher Education [THE] Impact Rankings, the only global performance table that assesses universities against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals [SDG]. 

766 universities across 89 countries were examined, with UCC ranked 32nd overall, and was rated in the top 20 for five of the UN’s 17 SDGs. 

THE Impact Rankings seek to identify those institutions seeking to make a  contribution towards creating a sustainable world. 

UCC President Prof Patrick O’Shea said: “The SDGs, which have been embraced by UCC and the Irish Government, form the framework for the innovations needed to reboot and retool our economy for long-term success and resilience.”

UCC Deputy President and Registrar Prof John O’Halloran said: “SDGs are a critical part of our mission and acadmic strategy, and enable our graduates to shape a new and changing world.”

Commenting on the rankings, UCC Sustainability Officer Dr Maria Kirrane said: “THE’s Impact Ranking assesses the diversity of activities across an institution in relation to each of the Sustainable Development Goals; it scores each university on activity across teaching, research, operations and engagement. UCC’s success reflects our whole-institution approach to sustainability and our community’s decades of experience in tackling global issues.” 

WCP Staff

WCP Staff Writer

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Simple spring food

Fri Apr 24 , 2020
Here’s a recipe to teleport you to Greece from your own kitchen using the humble spud. Just imagine the blue sea, the blue skies, sitting outside a taverna and all those tray bakes of vegetables, meats and fish. The Greeks are masters at tray bakes and the tavernas often have […]
