Statement from President Higgins on ‘Gaisce sa Bhaile’

There has been a most encouraging response to the special initiative announced by Gaisce, the President’s Award. The announcement today that Gaisce, the President’s Award, has developed a new ‘Gaisce sa Bhaile’ has been warmly welcomed by young people all over the country. 

In a statement President Michael D. Higgins has said:

“As President, may I congratulate the team at Gaisce on this new initiative, which will assist young people to stay active and engaged in their communities, and to look after their physical and mental health in these special circumstances through which we are living. 

It is my hope that as many as possible of the 18,000 young people already involved in the President’s Award will use this opportunity to develop alternative ways to achieve their goals, and that this new challenge will be taken up by yet others who also are interested in signing up for the President’s Challenge.

By participating in Gaisce, young people are invited to develop their skills, find a new confidence in their abilities, and discover the importance of making a positive contribution to their communities and wider society. At its heart, the Gaisce challenge is about making a pact with yourself to set goals, and to pursue their achievement vigorously.

This is never easy, as no noble task ever is. To do so in these testing circumstances is even more challenging, and I want to convey my congratulations to every participant who decides to embark on this journey. 

Beir beannacht.”

WCP Staff

WCP Staff Writer

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The best hand creams for repairing dry skin

Tue Mar 24 , 2020
In this time of Coivid-19, take a moment and think about how many times you’ve washed and sanitised your hands today. Both entirely necessary I might add, but repetitive hand washing can damage the integrity of the skin, causing hands to become dry, sore and irritated, and if the skin […]
