Sea Memorial proposed for Baltimore village

A memorial to commemorate those lost to the sea is finally in sight for a coastal village in West Cork. For the past twelve months, Baltimore Rath and the Islands Community Council has been liaising with Cork County Council and the community of Baltimore and has now successfully acquired planning permission to erect the memorial within the village.

An artist’s sketch of Croí na Mara (Heart of the Sea), the proposed sea memorial to be erected in Baltimore in memory of those lost to the sea.

 The memorial, ‘Croí na Mara’ (the Heart of the Sea), a sculpture of copper, bronze and stainless steel, is a collaborative work between the Community Council and two local artists, Helen Walsh and Paddy McCormack. The artists’ sketch shows that the structure, made up of two waves (measuring 3m H x 2m L x 3m W), aims to reflect and capture the power and energy of the sea. Further detail shows the parting sea forming two copper and bronze perforated waves rising from the ground into the shape of a heart. Copper rings of varying sizes, representing the souls lost to the sea, are drawn up through the heartstrings and released into the air.

 The structure will be located adjacent to the Harbour Building overlooking Baltimore pier and harbour. The aim is to make the memorial area as inclusive as possible for people of all abilities to come and take the opportunity to reflect, contemplate, and remember friends and loved ones by looking at and through the heart shaped space between the waves, to the water in the harbour and beyond.

 The Community Council is currently fundraising to reach a target of €35,000 to see the project completed.  This has been a difficult year for everyone, but the community council would be very grateful to those who would consider donating to this community project, which is a thoughtful opportunity to appropriately commemorate those that have been lost to the sea.

 The various ways to donate are listed below:

• GoFundMe page: Baltimore Sea Memorial

• Bank transfer to PTSB

   BIC: IPBSIE2D     IBAN: IE78IPBS99071730062364  

Account Name: Baltimore Community Council

• By cheque: Made payable to Baltimore Rath and the Islands Community Council  c/o Tara Cotter, 14 Harbour Court, Baltimore, Co Cork P81 PH30.

If you have any further queries please email

WCP Staff

WCP Staff Writer

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