Network Ireland West Cork has launched a new programme called ‘Explore your Hidden Goals’. This three-part series runs fortnightly through the month of May. The programme kicked off on Friday, May 1 with a webinar hosted by branch president Caroline Murphy with special guest Margaret Hoctor. Margaret said that the process of discovering your goals is especially important. She added that she was delighted with how the webinar on ‘Explore Your Hidden Goals’ went. Caroline Murphy said “Margaret’s energy was infectious, she gave us some great advice on mindset and how to uncover these goals and dreams. Session two and three will allow our members to develop these goals further to unearth and explore their dreams a little more. We hope our members will avail of these sessions to review their goals and dreams and who knows where it might take them”.
Part two, hosted by Adrienne Harrington, entitled ‘Follow your dreams’ planned for May 15 invites student nurse Noreen Coakley, Anne Marie Kingston of White Sage Decluttering, Jackie Gowran of Business Weaving and Career Guidance Coach and Maureen Canty to share their stories of how they completely pivoted their career and lifestyle to follow their dreams. Whether it’s to start a new business or a change of career, this webinar will help to evaluate your present situation, explore the markets for possible career or new business options and identify skills and resources required to make that dream a reality. Learn from an excellent panel who have been through the process, they tell us what they loved, what they found challenging and give advice for anyone considering this route.

Guest speaker, Anne Marie Kingston – founder and creator of White Sage Decluttering, worked for over 11 years in the banking sector and in 2012 took redundancy to start her family. Anne Marie was always decluttering for family and friends on a personal level and, in early 2017, Anne Marie launched her own business and has never looked back. Speaking ahead of the event, Anne Marie said “I live my life without regrets. We have one chance in life to grab every opportunity. Network Ireland has introduced me to like-minded businesswomen who get me and my passion, they have been an amazing support to me and my growing business. Each event I attend I come away inspired and motivated. I am delighted to share my story with everyone on May 15.”
The final phase in this three-part programme, scheduled for Friday, May 29 will discuss ‘Business Review and New Product Development’. A moderated session sharing experience and steps to tackle a review of your business or a new product launch. This Explore your Hidden Goals programme is free to all Network Ireland members nationally, registration details can be found on Eventbrite.
Network Ireland West Cork host virtual events every Friday in May, on Friday, May 15 and May 29, the ‘Explore your Hidden Goals’ programme continues, while on alternative Friday’s, members are invited for an informal Coffee and Chat. This is a forum for women in business to support each other, chat about the challenges they are experiencing and talk about the incredible new opportunities being discovered.
Network Ireland West Cork is here for its members during the Covid 19 Pandemic. It is more important than ever for your Network to support you and for you to avail of this support. Take a moment to add the Friday lunchtime slot (1pm – 2pm) to your calendars.