December Sun Signs

This month holds one of the most significant planet combinations, not just of our lifetime but, of the millennia, the Jupiter Saturn conjunction. We see a climax to the most extraordinary year that 2020 has been as we turn the page on the year and also an era.

There’s no doubt this month brings a whole cluster of astrological events that indicate we are really about to re-determine our future focus and set out on a new trajectory as a collective. This ‘reset’ is the signature for the times we are living through. It is ultimately beneficial, but there are dubious undercurrents and alternative versions, with their potential outcomes, that need to be recognised and rectified before we’ll see the full value of current events.

Mercury is now in Sagittarius joining the Sun, and so Jupiter holds the reigns this month. But currently, this bringer of joy, opportunities and positivity is sandwiched between two very heavy duty and difficult planets, Saturn and Pluto. It may feel like there’s not much to be cheerful about during the first days of this month. This planet combination indicates a lot is going on behind the scenes. So many distractions and deliberate illusions are being thrown around to create confusion. 

Jupiter represents our best self and higher nature, our ability to know right from wrong and moral conscience and optimism. Saturn is limitation, regulation and boundaries. Pluto is control, power and hidden forces. Whilst Jupiter is being so tightly squeezed it’s hard to see the truth or make informed choices. There is reason to be cheerful though as we are about to turn a corner. This is a critical time and holding true to your inner guidance and trusting in ultimate goodness is the only way forwards now. 

From mid-month things really begin to shift and the week beginning on December 14 holds a series of major events with far-reaching consequences. The New Moon and Solar Eclipse starts the sequence and acts like a switch being turned off and back on again. Something from the past may come to light and act as a game-changer as Mercury crosses over the South Node of the Moon. Within hours, Venus the planet of love, social connection and personal values touches both Jupiter and Saturn, adding some much-needed positivity. Then the real shifts begin as Venus moves into Sagittarius where she is much happier under the rulership of Jupiter. These two are our most positive planets, bringing some optimism and enjoyment to the next few weeks. 

On December 17, Saturn finally moves into Aquarius where it will travel for the next teo to three years after being in Capricorn since late 2017. On December 19, Jupiter also slips into Aquarius. People with planets in the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) will feel the relief after having an especially difficult time in recent years. This momentous shift in energy is magnified by the ‘Great Conjunction’ of Jupiter with Saturn on December 21 just after the Sun makes its annual move into Capricorn, which marks the hugely significant Solstice point. On December 22, Jupiter is finally free from its restricting clinch between Saturn and Pluto as it moves ahead into Aquarius.  

There are so many culminating patterns all coinciding in these few days and we are witness to an incredibly rare astronomical sequence. Jupiter and Saturn make their conjunction only every 20 years and this always signifies a new social direction. They have not made this connection in an Air sign for 800 years! Air signs are the realm of the mind. This is the beginning of a new age where ideology and intellect are infused with inspiration and innovation. Over these coming weeks before the New Year, we need to pause and consider the power of the human mind and the extent that our beliefs and thoughts create reality. The shifts and changes that are taking place now will shape and form the next several generations. Where we place our attention and what we focus our mind on is going to be what the new era becomes. What are your New Year intentions going to be?

December has a New Moon and total Solar Eclipse at 24° Sagittarius on December 14 at 4.16pm and the Full Moon is at 9° Cancer on December 30 at 3.20am.  

Aries: This is a time to lift yourself out of your usual everyday concerns.You’ll benefit from getting a larger perspective on your life. Although it may all seem overwhelming for a while remember that as long as you keep plugging away you will make gains. You really can get things up and running if you try. A chance to do things a little differently will make all the difference in the world. Don’t slow down because someone can’t keep up with you. You have to maintain the momentum. A teacher or mentor who appears this New Moon may be particularly important to you later.

Taurus: Don’t push your luck now. Joint financial affairs and investments could become an issue. It’s a good time to clarify each person’s expectations and to take care of any legal business, insurance, contracts and so on. On a personal level, there is a desire to intensify the level of intimacy and honesty in your closest relationships and to clear away anything in yourself, which is impeding that deeper union you seek. Any temptation to make abrupt decisions and changes could lead to additional problems that you can do without. Stick to what’s clear and avoid taking on other peoples responsibilities.

Gemini: Partnerships, marriage, and one-to-one relationships demand your attention now. You are called upon to cooperate and perhaps to relinquish some of your own personal interests for the sake of harmony and mutual benefit. You may end up questioning yourself as well as the motives of the people around you. Get to the bottom of things before it’s too late. Once you have all the facts you will be in a much better position to make a decision. Don’t let anyone pull you in a direction you don’t want to go. Do what’s best for you but put the emphasis is on ‘we’ rather than ‘me’.

Cancer: Doing your best work and taking pride in it are a focus for you now. You should be able to make some worthwhile career moves or at least secure your current position so that you don’t have to worry about your financial future. This is a good time to examine how you use your time and energy, to improve your efficiency and productivity. Watch out for health matters as you are concerned with your body now, and you may be inspired to begin a self-improvement program, create better habits, or begin a new diet or fitness plan.

Leo: You are energised and inspired creatively and emotionally coming up to this New Moon time, and you want to bring forth all that’s deep within you. You express yourself more freely, playfully, and spontaneously and are more willing to take chances. You will have Lady Luck in your corner so be sure to look for good deals. Social activities, travel and attending different cultural events will all lead to meeting people who can help further your goals. The dramatic and performing arts, sports and games, or other forms of self-expression and entertainment appeal strongly to you now. You can accomplish much if you set your mind to it.

Virgo: From the beginning of this month, you will have been enjoying the success that you worked hard to achieve. Don’t be too quick to put your energy into new projects as you approach the New Moon, wait until the end of the month. All kinds of creative work are favoured and you might find yourself more closely involved with children at this time. Don’t be surprised if there is some conflict between your personal enjoyment and what others think you should be doing for kicks. Those things that need to be discussed and settled with the family can be dealt with in the next few weeks.

Libra: Take a trip back into your past and you will find the answers you are looking for. Now it’s time to make changes instead of doing a repeat performance. Take time to talk with neighbours and those you cross paths with daily. It may result in more positive and smoother-running relationships generally. You’ll want to fritter away your time on fun and social events over the New Moon, but this may not be at all bad, things have been serious enough for you to want to take a break now. This is a good time to participate in or contribute to any community events in your area

Scorpio: Money, possessions, financial security, and practical matters are a focus for you now. You can make some very interesting professional or financial moves this month. Be ready to put your money on the table to get ahead. If you have been overly extravagant with your resources, you may begin to see how you can get back on track. It should become clear to you what your next steps are regarding your resources. Your astute vision will enable you to correctly assess the right investment, job or any other money matter that arise after the New Moon phase.

Sagittarius: During this time you can make an impression on others by making a strong statement to the world about who you are. People acknowledge you and are likely to follow your lead, or at the least, they stay out of your way. You are likely to feel more confident and vital now. However, you may be so preoccupied with yourself and your own desires that you unintentionally ignore other people and their needs. Include the ones you love in your plans and things will get progressively better. You should be able to strengthen the bond with someone who has been an influence in your life.

Capricorn: You’ll be torn between what you want to do and what you have to do. Retreating from the world for a while and spending some quiet time alone to relax and rejuvenate appeals strongly to you over the New Moon phase. You may feel like you are at low ebb and as if nothing is happening or you may simply not want to be ‘where the action is’. Don’t overreact, overdo or overindulge to compensate for things not going according to your plans. Sometimes it’s best to do what you must to just get it out of the way. You’ll get your turn to please yourself. Competitive ambitions and ego drives are on hold now.

Aquarius: Get involved in charity events or social action groups that interest you and you will make headway in many different areas of your life through the people you meet and the information you discover. You may be asked to take responsibility or even a leadership role or to contribute and participate more fully than you have in the past. You will enjoy being part of a team or group effort this month Being involved in a community or circle of friends and building your social network is important to you at this time.

Pisces: Over the New Moon don’t mix business with pleasure if you want to avoid trouble. Not everyone will be on your side over the next few weeks so you may want to choose your friends carefully and keep your personal thoughts and opinions to yourself. With your career and reputation very important to you at this time, you can make significant gains regarding your ambitions. Recognition for your efforts and receiving credit for your accomplishments are likely now, but only if you’ve ‘done your homework’. This is an excellent time to ask for a promotion or to engage the support of those in positions of higher authority.

Kate Arbon

Kate Arbon is a professional Astrologer based in West Cork.

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The Christmas image

Tue Dec 8 , 2020
Clonakilty-based painter James Waller reflects on his experiences of Christmas imagery – from his childhood in Western Australia, through the art galleries and churches of Europe, to a treasure in a small church in West Cork. As a child my Christmases were spent in the baking hot environs of Kalgoorlie, […]

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