April Sun Signs

Early April may seem quiet on the Astrological news headlines, especially after all the activity throughout March. This Month we are eased in gradually but the few days between May 19 and 22 will certainly make up for a slow start. An intense concentration of major astrological events occurring simultaneously will set the tone for the coming weeks and months. We have the combination of a New Moon and the first Solar eclipse of the year, the Sun entering Taurus and making a strong connection to Pluto whilst Mercury turns retrograde all within around 30 hours. Zodiac sign Taurus is playing host to the action so this sign and the other fixed signs, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius will take the biggest hit. This push may be just what’s needed to make shifts and changes that have been in the wings for the last long while. 

The early days of April bring a welcome change of pace as Mars has finally, after seven months, moved out of air sign Gemini and moved into watery Cancer. This puts our energy and drives into a more caring approach with home, family and the need to care for and nurture ourselves and others becoming important issues now. 

Mercury moves into Taurus on May 3 and will stay in this sign until mid-June. The talk and communication planet is also relevant to business transactions and negotiation as well as everyday travel and connections. In Taurus, the focus is likely to be on themes around money and finances, resources, stability, food and basic practical needs. 

The planets that enter Taurus during this month are activating a strong challenging aspect of Pluto, now in the first degree of Aquarius. The role of Pluto is to cleanse, purify and evolve whatever it combines with. Sometimes this can be a messy or uncomfortable process, much like clearing out a blocked pipe or releasing addictive habits. Take note of any issues that come to light with the Full Moon in Libra on May 6 because when Mercury is retrograde from April 21 through to May 15, we will be revisiting these themes again for review and reconsideration. 

On May 11, Venus, the social planet moves into Gemini the sign of ideas, connections and curiosity so we can have some lighthearted fun too. The urge is to get busy networking, meet up with friends and put a relationship talk on the to-do list. Whilst Mars is in Cancer there is a strong desire to get things right for the people we care deeply about. 

The climax of the Month occurs with the New Moon and Solar eclipse on April 20. An Eclipse is a time when something changes. A power dynamic shifts and something is replaced with the new version. The effect is usually seen during the following few months. As the light of the Sun is temporarily extinguished and the Moon is between us/Earth and the Sun it is possible to set a new theme or agenda. With the inclusion of the strong Pluto energy, we can feel compelled to rid ourselves of old habits or ways that have become outmoded or unworkable. The continuation of these behaviour patterns would be holding back our personal or collective evolution. An important part of this energy shift is that we cannot control the outcome from where we are as the new way is not yet fully known to us and this can be an unsettling time. Pluto often requires a ‘leap of faith’ and the ability to allow a ‘greater force’ to lead us. The big question that we need to address now is about the true nature of that greater force we are about to put our trust in. Are we surrendering our personal power, desires or intentions to something or someone who is full of their own agenda? Are we ready to allow ourselves to be led by something that feels deeply right on an intuitive level, or will we follow what we are told is best for us? This is the time for some of the big questions and it is also the time for some of the big answers. 

April has a Full Moon in 17 degrees Libra on May 6 at 5.34 am and a New Moon Solar Eclipse in 30 degrees Aries on May 20 at 5.12 am

Aries: This month’s Full Moon brings a good opportunity for dealing with any relationship issues. Personal and professional partnerships need your attention now. You are aware of how much you have to give but guard against taking others for granted; they won’t appreciate it if you do. You’ll be at your best when you can get things into a healthy balance so finding a win-win situation for everyone has to be your goal. Interesting and stimulating people may come into your life now and you’ll want to make time for intimate encounters or shared experiences.

Taurus: This is a good time to organise your work environment and make it more efficient. You are prepared to do the tedious work and the necessary tasks that don’t reap obvious rewards. You’re not likely to feel at peak performance level so take a slow and measured pace and be surprised at how much can be achieved. Also, don’t take your health for granted; keep an eye on what you eat and pay attention to what you do physically during the next couple of weeks. You’ll benefit from making adjustments especially if you’ve been overdoing it lately. 

Gemini: This Full Moon heightens your imaginative powers and you could enjoy artistic success if you have creative talents. Whatever you do it needs to give scope to your originality and get you noticed. You want to have fun and taking chances might pay off. Not taking yourself too seriously will also reap benefits and you may surprise yourself with what you come up with by just playing around. Your feelings for loved ones are more intense now and children may take an important role in your life at this time.

Cancer: Home and family matters occupy your thinking during early April. Putting your energy into ventures that give you some sense of security and well-being will feel important now. You may just feel like staying home and building up your reserves so you have plenty spare for later. Sticking with familiar surroundings and intimate company takes the stress out of socialising and you need that freedom to nurture what’s really important. This is a good time to try and complete unfinished projects and don’t expect to get started on anything new just yet.

Leo: There may be increasing contact with your neighbours and involvement in community activities during this Full Moon phase. You have the urge to get out and about and make connections. You may feel restless if you don’t find activities that stimulate your mind. A lot of energy may be used up in trivial or light-hearted conversation but going deep isn’t the mood of the moment. Seek out more information and alternatives to what you already know. This is a good time to catch up on correspondences or to do some writing.

Virgo: This Full Moon phase finds you concerned with your material and financial security. Impulse buying, or conversely, stinginess might be a problem now depending on how you feel about the state of your resources. This is a good time to consider if you are making the best of your natural skills and talents. You might be underestimating yourself or not yet utilising all the tools in your bag for your greater benefit. Actual money isn’t the only source of wealth and you may find you have abundance in another form.

Libra: With the Full Moon in your Sun sign you are concerned with your own needs and personal security. The emphasis is on how you express your individuality in everything you do. Domestic, family and property matters are also likely to occupy your mind and what’s important is how these areas of your life are impacting your lifestyle and self-expression. You are especially sensitive to environmental conditions and your inner moods. Getting a glimpse of your unique personality in action gives you a better sense of who you are.

Scorpio: The Libra Full Moon highlights your inclination to shun the limelight and keep pretty much to yourself. You can be very productive throughout this period by just quietly working away behind the scenes in seclusion. Taking time out to relax, daydream or meditate regenerates the spirit and brings you closer to your creativity. Reconnecting with your inner world is important for your sense of equilibrium. Valuable insights and breakthroughs are possible. Enjoy the quiet ‘alone time’ whilst you can as the demands of your outer world will encroach again soon enough.

Sagittarius: This Full Moon phase shows you it’s who you know rather than what you know that matters now. This is a good time to upgrade your social life and meet people; the benefits will soon follow. The Libra Full Moon highlights your position within your community, in group ventures, or projects which involve others of like mind. The phrase ‘what you put in is what you get out’ holds very true for you now. You can see that what you have to offer is appreciated by those around you and this is a time of reaping the rewards from your past contributions.

Capricorn: Vocational concerns are likely to dominate your thinking. If you’re not already striking out to fulfill your ambitions then now is the time to make plans for your future. Getting yourself some recognition for what you do takes on extra significance during this Full Moon. Self-acknowledgement only takes you so far and for now, you need some approval from those you respect. If you want to launch your career or go a step further then make the moves. But remember to balance the demands of your work or public life with the needs of your family or home life.

Aquarius: During this Full Moon travel, higher learning, study and spiritual matters can occupy your mind. Not content with anything ‘hum drum’, you’re likely to want the freedom to explore new ground or invite new experiences into your life. This is a great time to think big and make the most of the opportunities that come your way. An overseas contact may get in touch or new information provides the chance to break out from any restricting routines to try something different. Be prepared to open your mind to new ideas and lifestyles.

Pisces: The April Full Moon phase might mark a trying period; you may feel anxious and worried about things. Your attention is being drawn to the patterns that create life’s ups and downs. During this phase, you may be focused on the negative side of a cycle at the expense of the positive. This might be a slow growth point but it’s a necessary pause during which you can consider what is truly worth keeping and what you can dispense with. It’s a great time to clear out what doesn’t work well in your life in preparation for the next phase. 

Kate Arbon

Kate Arbon is a professional Astrologer based in West Cork.

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