If nature could talk what would she tell us?
Especially now of all times to be here on this planet while our lives are turned around and certainly altered for the better and worse.
I wonder if nature would give us some sage advice for the coming long cold winter nights we are sure to face as the days close in.
Perhaps she would tell us to savour these times as part of our yearly quietening before the rush of Christmas.
Maybe there would be a gentle reminder to pay attention to the trees, plants and flowers of winter. You know the ones that struggle to bloom in spite of the fresh breezes and the heavy rain.
Or perhaps they blossom because of it?
She might even mention that we are part of her, an extension or even a reflection of the wonderful ways that all things seem to be part of a much bigger pattern, a flow and those endless cycles of seasonal change.
Her advice might be to take our herbal tea to settle a tummy, include something wild and foraged with a meal, or enjoy a walk in the forest to steady ourselves.
When we delve more deeply into listening to nature and all she has to say there is one thing standing out for us to ponder; no matter the wreckage and turbulence of a few hours storm or the flood of rain that frequent our shores….
We will always arrive at a new day, refreshed, cleansed and uplifted.
There is something flourishing in the hedgerows for everybody, every season and we have the gift of nature to guide us onwards.
April Danann has developed her own wild fermentation SCOBYs, mothers and starters…she produces some of the cleanest, barrel fermented Apple Cider Vinegar, Herbal Kombucha, herbal teas and coffees available and manages to forage, grow and seek out the natural everywhere she goes.