December Sun Signs

December is the month where many things can, and probably will, change. It may be small things that don’t seem to make much difference at first glance or it could be something quite momentous that signals the start of a new direction. Either way this month delivers a series of astrological events that prepare us for the months ahead. 2020 is destined to be a very significant year.

The first major shift occurs on December 2, as Jupiter moves in to Capricorn. It has been in its own sign, Sagittarius for the last year. Here the Jupiter energy has been about all the potential and possibility that we hope for. It has brought us plenty of opportunity to consider and plan for all the wonderful options that we could have, if only! There has been the hope of brighter horizons despite the difficult and heavy transits from Saturn and Pluto throughout the year. But all this optimistic looking forward to better days and improved conditions may begin to feel like a pipe dream or false expectation. In reality so little has actually come to fruition.

Capricorn is a Saturn-ruled earth sign. Serious and steadfast, Capricorn is ambitious and wants to achieve. It doesn’t waiver at the thought of a long haul and is happy putting in the effort to make it work well and efficiently. Capricorn could be the best example to match the phrase ‘do it once and make it count’. So with Jupiter, which is all about growth, expansion, improvement and joyful living, in the dependable sign of Capricorn, it may seem far more like work and no play, but we can actually and really ‘get stuff done’. 

There are several planets moving into Capricorn this month to join with Saturn and Pluto, which have already been there for some years now. Venus recently moved in and will be followed by Jupiter, Sun and then Mercury before the month end. Each one in turn makes a positive aspect to Uranus in Taurus, also a no-nonsense earth sign. Uranus is the planet of radical reform and its job is to shake things up and move things along. Uranus doesn’t tolerate stagnation or blind tradition and it pays no heed to hesitation. It wants a new expression and a release from oppressive restrictions and will find the most direct path to freedom when it’s triggered. 

A true sense of this shift in energy may be felt when Mercury finally moves beyond the shadow of this recent retrograde and out of Scorpio. It’s been in this deep, intense and mysterious sign for longer than usual. All kinds of communications and the flow of ideas have been prone to misdirection and misunderstanding. There have been a lot of things said, sometimes in the name of truth, often harsh, but these words now need to be forgiven or integrated. Mercury in Sagittarius from December 9 will be much more generous, good-humoured and philosophic. 

December 11 to 13 brings us a taste of what’s to come when Saturn and Pluto finally connect in early January. Venus passes over Saturn and then moves on to pass Pluto and the Gemini Full Moon falls in the middle of this time frame, bringing deep and emotive issues into the full light so we can join the dots and recognise the patterns. This is when our words and thoughts can reveal the true emotion behind them and we can see the results of our previous intentions. On December 15, Jupiter makes a strong and positive angle to Uranus. Ideas and insights for a brighter future pour in to the mind, preparing us for the next phase. 

The winter Solstice on December 22 is followed by a New Moon and Solar eclipse on December 26, which involves both Jupiter and Uranus. And so the New Year is initiated, a new paradigm is taking shape and we enter 2020, which promises to be a very significant year indeed.

This month we have a Full Moon in 20° Gemini on December 12 at 5.12am and a New Moon in 5° Capricorn and Solar Eclipse on December 26 at 5.13am. 

See the January edition for the 2020 year ahead overview.

Aries: Any trying or difficult emotional experiences you have this Full Moon result from having strong differences of opinion with someone you have to deal with every day. When you argue your case you are easily swayed by irrational arguments and emotions. Could it be that everybody is trying to get their message through but no one is listening? Try not to get distracted whilst you tie up important loose ends and meet deadlines. You need to keep some time for a new project or mental challenge. You could be making plans for travelling or starting a new class or training programme.

Taurus: This Full Moon will find you focusing on your personal resources and economic fluctuations. You can be a very kind and giving person but you also need to feel secure. Being a little more concerned with your financial status now is probably a good thing although some people may view you as unusually materialistic and possessive. This is a time to cash in on some of your hard-earned investments and name your price for your efforts. Be confident in your skills and abilities and turn them to good use now as others will notice and reward you later. 

Gemini: With the Full Moon in your sign you are likely to be a glowing example of both vitality and attractiveness. Let your personality truly shine and you can expect to have a powerful impact on your surroundings through your moods and feelings. You may be seen as over-emotional or sentimental, but you know how to provide a truly nurturing environment for others. You’re motivated to show how much concern and care you have for them now. Bring any critical personal projects to a conclusion whilst you have the energy required to satisfy your own high standards. 

Cancer: You need to withdraw from the world from time to time and commune with nature or your inner feelings. During this Full Moon you are extremely sensitive to your environment and could spend a lot of time enveloped in a very private emotional world. Ideally create a place of your own which is sacred to you where you can be alone. In this private retreat, you can become aware of your many dreams and longings. Try to work more consciously with the inner world of your imagination through creative work or meditative practice for a few days.

Leo: You have the desire for strong bonds with your friends and you are extremely sensitive to how they treat you over the Full Moon. You are both caring and concerned for their personal development, but easily hurt if they let you down in any way. Ensure that you spend time only with people that elevate and support you. Disconnect from the daily grind and tap into your lighter side for a while. Count your blessings and remember that enjoyment of the good life is more about your own sense of wellbeing, not money, friendship or possessions.

Virgo: You have a strong sense of duty and you can feel that your role is primarily to live up to family or social expectations over this Full Moon. You may have been striving to achieve some pre-defined goals and you want the recognition now. Over the coming days you can reach out for what you want for yourself. Stand in the spotlight whilst acting the part of your unique self in all your glory. Ensure you take time out to wave your own flag and get noticed for your contribution before a new surge of personal creativity rolls in. 

Libra: Think big and stretch your imagination this Full Moon. In the past you will have unconsciously been affected by the convictions and values of those close to you. The powerful need for a strong belief to hold on to that is solid and true for you demands your attention now. During these few days, as your interest in philosophical and spiritual areas is heightened, use the time to expand your inner window on the world and break new ground. The feeling of suddenly having understood something can have you wondering now what to do with it all, but that will take care of itself down the line.

Scorpio: Over this Full Moon your experiences will confirm that you must not depend on other people or your possessions to provide emotional security for you. This could be a very transformative few days when you might unearth resources within yourself that you were previously unaware of. Allow yourself to stand aside for a moment and recognise where any deals and contracts have tied up your energy. You no longer need to rely on certain items or belongings as you become more emotionally stable. Clear out any useless things you’ve been hoarding, the sense of freedom will do you good.

Sagittarius: With the Sun shining in your own sign and the Full Moon focus on your relationships, you have difficulty distinguishing between your own feelings and the people closest to you. Tune in to yourself, and allow your partner or close friends to have their moods without imagining they always have something to do with your own actions. You could be thinking that you got too involved or caught up with each other recently. Just pause and stand back briefly. Connecting with others in a special moment can be enjoyed when close allies or partners become your full focus again. 

Capricorn: You may waste too much energy on menial tasks, thus getting distracted from the broader visions in your life during this Full Moon. You are likely to make yourself indispensable through being of service to the physical needs of others, and generally happy to take on a lot of tasks – both in your career and around the house. If you are not careful however, other people will take advantage of you. Now though you should be really getting things together for yourself whilst you can keep the focus on the details. Once done, you’ll be able to stand back and take pride in your accomplishments. 

Aquarius: Spontaneity is the keyword for you this Full Moon and it’s time to loosen up and have some fun. Taking the lead and making some bold statements is also an option. Going just a little bit over the top will be acceptable now as this is a general time of celebration for all. Passion and intensity can run rampant as your enthusiasm overflows so get creative with your energy. You have a strong emotional need for some romantic encounters but you do know how to nurture and maintain the romance in an existing relationship too. So go the extra mile and enjoy!   

Pisces: This Full Moon you might find you needing to spend more time at home and you can find great pleasure in looking after children or family, cooking, making home improvements etc. You feel very sensitive to the moods of others, especially if you share your personal space. Although you’ll be strongly motivated to create a caring and secure environment, a crowd can be claustrophobic. You can get on each other’s nerves. This is a time to acknowledge the comfortable and familiar environment that supports you. Draw on it as a source of strength but avoid being over dominant or demanding.

Kate Arbon

Kate Arbon is a professional Astrologer based in West Cork.

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