A journey in sound

The world has come to a standstill and we can do our part by following the restrictions and staying home as much as we can. We can’t go out so let’s go inside and journey in sound with Claire Marie Barton. Next Saturday, April 25, Claire will be hosting an online sound bath on YouTube. The theme is finding your inner balance at a time of huge uncertainty. You can book your place here. Claire explains that sound can be very calming in the current crisis.

Part of me is so looking forward to meeting family and friends again and the other part is enjoying the home time, the time to think, to chill out with my kids and husband with no pressure to be anywhere, going for walks and cycles and spending some much-needed time in the garden.  

This is a stressful time for many who have lost their jobs or fear becoming ill with the corona virus. Our spiritual practices are very important at this time to keep us centred. As a sound healer, sound is always my go-to when I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Sound can be a great way to keep us grounded and help us to feel calm in the midst of the fear and uncertainty.

I have many sound healing videos on my YouTube channel, as well as some of my songs and poems. I invite you to check them out. I have created a short playlist of my videos, which may be particularly helpful at this time to help bring you some calm and stillness if you need it. It’s called Sound Healing Self-care During Lockdown

The videos range from a simple one-minute exercise to ground yourself; a seven-minute sound meditation you can listen to anytime during the day if you find you have been overwhelmed with stress and anxiety, with some heart blessings and a longer sound bath of 30 minutes.

Next Saturday April 25, I will be hosting an online sound bath on YouTube. The theme is finding your inner balance at a time of huge uncertainty. 

You simply need to find yourself a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed for 90 minutes. Sitting comfortably or lying down, as you prefer, you are invited to journey inward while listening to the soothing sounds of gong, voice and other instruments. There’s nothing for you to do, you can simply be. The gong slows down our brain waves helping us to experience deep relaxation and easily enter a meditative state.  

You can book your place here. Please get in touch if you can have questions or would like to hear more, I’d love to hear from you claire@clairemariebarton.com or 087 2323 623.

WCP Staff

WCP Staff Writer

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Covid-19 World Experience Series: There are no borders

Mon Apr 20 , 2020
Roger Quintens, 75, living in Belgium, and Clonakilty resident Marleen Drijkoningen, 64, are in a long-distance relationship, cocooning together but apart during the current pandemic. The happy couple, who were first acquainted 50 years ago – when they were both involved in organising strikes to prevent the closure of the […]
