‘Water is life’ and not just for plants. What makes water so essential is more than its purity and chemical composition. Water molecules vibrate, create and maintain a vital force of energy as found in Nature. The mechanical man-made transport of water reduces waters natural structure and thus bio-availability.
Johann Grander studied water samples from around the world of major rivers and lakes. His years of investigation led him to appreciate that there is a vibrancy seen in water. Interestingly that differs from source to source. This led him to discover how to enhance the powers inherent in water in a unique way. His inventions developed into a commercial enterprise GRANDER™ Water-Revitalisation that spans over 40 years of production with more than a 500,000 units in operation worldwide.

The effects of GRANDER™ Water-Revitalisation technology have been studied and verified by institutes of science and universities, industrial, agricultural and domestic testing. Just how GRANDER™ technology works is difficult to explain but the results are obvious. In the area of horticulture there is repeated evidence of improved seed germination, root development and nutritional uptake. In animal husbandry, animals drink more water their overall health improves bacterial rates drop.
Peter Tadd is a sales consultant in West Cork for GRANDER™ Water-Revitalisation technology. “My personal experience parallels thousands of testimonials,” he says. “Everything tastes better – food, coffee – my own health issues with asthma have clearly lessened, I have softer skin, better overall wellbeing, softer clothes, and my garden plants are thriving. If your skin feels softer, imagine what is happening inside your body.
“I love drinking Revitalised water. Thus I drink more of it. Proper hydration is the single biggest factor for health and long life. There is no better investment for your family and our environment.”
Find out more when Peter gives a talk and demonstration at Deelish Garden Centre on August 15, from 11am to 2pm. All welcome.