The Reignite Programme recently launched by The Ludgate Hub in Skibbereen aims to support women in West Cork to get back into the workplace. Taking place over 11 weeks, it will show women how to diversify their skill set, upskill and reskill after taking time out of work for children, to take care of parents, or maybe because of illness. It aims to help bridge the gap between what they did before and getting back to the workplace, with a link to local businesses through a three-month work placement.
This programme was made possible through the support of Rethink Ireland’s Rural Recovery Fund and ESB. As part of the funding call with Rethink there were over 60 applicants and Ludgate was one of six who were successful.
In a rural setting, sometimes the signposts to get back to work aren’t as obvious as in an urban environment. And if you don’t have the luxury of time to research, which a lot of women don’t, then that’s problematic.
Reignite will help women identify their skillset, to make sure they re-enter the workplace in a way that enhances and draws on their skills and their prior life, or maybe even redirects them if they didn’t like what they did in the past.
Fiona Ryan, Start Up and Entrepreneurship Manager with the Ludgate Hub is programme lead for ReIgnite. “What I’ve discovered is that, in a rural setting, there is more of a chance that you have to step outside your career comfort zone. The opportunities are different, but they’re out there, if you know how to find them,” explains Fiona. “In my experience, once you figure it out, you’ll find yourself challenged in more ways than you ever hoped.
“The beauty of this programme is that we will support the returnee in the transition back to the workforce. The job market is thriving and we want to ensure that there is talent to meet those roles. Some candidates may not feel ready to return to the workforce at the end of the 11-week programme, we will work with this candidate to identify their next move. There are other opportunities through Ludgate, maybe they have a start up frame of mind and want to embark on their own business idea, we can support that through the Ludgate Start Up Academy. The options are endless, it is finding the right fit for you.”
The Reignite Programme at The Ludgate Hub in Skibbereen, Co Cork, is open for applications. To find out more and apply, go to www.ludgate.ie. Also find information there on hot-desking at the hub, supports for business, rural regeneration and sustainability.