Local artists brush up on their skills

This July, Dunmanway plays host to the first Art Tour and Art Exhibition featuring work from all local artists.  This self guided walking tour has been a tremendous success with artists showcasing their work in various locations throughout the town, including the beautiful Atkins Hall, the stunning St. Mary’s church, the newly opened art gallery in the community council office as well as a reflective space in the town library, along with many window displays. 
by Sandra Maybury.

Catherine Biggs Hurley – One of the artists displaying her work in Dunmanway’s Art Exhibition this weekend

One of the artists featured is Denis O Brien, Denis’s love for art started when he was very young and his first piece of art was seen on television at just 4 years old and at the age of 12, his copy of Michaelangelo’s “The Fall of the Gods”, was displayed in Lavitt’s Gallery in Cork. 

Kate Wilson is a budding new artist, using her time during the Covid lockdown to experiment with paints she soon discovered her passion to capture the beauty of flowers in bloom.   Kate expressed her delight to be involved in Dunmanway’s Art tour saying “I am very grateful to have been offered the opportunity to show my work by the local community council. It has been fantastic hearing such positive response to my work and the support from everyone has been beyond fantastic. I’m feeling incredibly humbled by the local response and excited for what the future holds.”

Another local artist who’s work is on display in the stunning Atkin’s Hall in Dunmanway is local resident Catherine Biggs-Hurley.  Catherine was born in Dublin and grew up on Clare Island, Co Mayo but is no stranger to West Cork having spent many a summer holidaying there.  Returning to college after 20 years working in the film industry, she just completed her second year BA in Fine Art in CIT Crawford College of Art and Design.   Her work reflects her background, a combination of rural meets urban, inspired by nature with an influence of street art.  Catherine said “As a new artist I was nervous but delighted to put my work out there. There is a very supportive positive response to my work and to the event. It is a great community event bringing a vibrant cultural feel to the town. Art galleries are naturally socially distant so it never felt uneasy.”

Other local artists featured include Claire O Mahony, Finn Kearney, Des O Meara, Nicky Kitley, Patricia Cadogan-Collins, S. Bament, H. Maw, R. Maw, H. Foster and N. Kelly.  Commenting on the art exhibition Cllr. Deirdre Kelly said “There is so much talent in our community.  It’s a pleasure to be part of an initiative which gives these artists a platform to display their work whilst at the same time providing a social outlet for the community”.   

WCP Staff

WCP Staff Writer

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Add your event to Cork's Culture Night

Mon Jul 13 , 2020
Culture Night 2020 is set to go ahead on Friday September 18th and they are inviting organisations to take part either by holding an event in their local area, or by doing a virtual online event which can be promoted by Culture Night at local and national level.   It will come […]
