IndieCork 2020: ‘The Vow of Quarantine’ film project

IndieCork Festival today announced a quarantine film project, designed to get people making creative short films, as lockdown continues. Referencing the famous ‘Dogme 95’ filmmaking movement, who created a ‘Dogme manifesto’ of rules under which films could be shot, the ‘Vow of Quarantine’ asks filmmakers to create 3 minute maximum length shorts, that are specifically made under lockdown conditions. 

‘Too Close To A Black Hole’ by Silvio Severino
(signature image for ‘The Vow of Quarantine’ film project

Selected films that adhere to The Vow of Quarantine will be shown at IndieCork 2020. 

Deadline for submissions June 21st, 2020

Commenting on the launch of this film project, James Mulvey, Programmer with IndieCork said: “We felt this was a really creative way of giving filmmakers the opportunity to still make films, still communicate and present their work. We’re looking forward to seeing how the current restrictions can sometimes ignite a filmmaker’s imagination’.

Mick Hannigan, Festival Co-Director said “IndieCork’s role as the showcase for independent films in Ireland means we are always keen to support filmmakers. We have been assessing how life will be altered after the pandemic and how we celebrate film and festivals.  We’re ready to do this at IndieCork, and ready to bring creative solutions’. 

The Vow of Quarantine Rules:

Rule 1: Shooting must be done within the home.

Rule 2: If you can squeeze a genre piece into three minutes – the committee will watch it.

Rule 3: Use any equipment you have at your disposal (all forms of camera are acceptable).

Rule 4: Sound will require some consideration, but pre-recorded sounds or music should be used in accordance with copyright law. 

Rule 5: The film can be in black and white, but colour is also welcome.

Rule 6: Book shelf backdrops are forbidden, themed quizzes are strictly frowned upon (Some quarantine trends should be immediately disposed of!!). However pets are encouraged, although not essential! 

Rule 7: The film must not contain superficial action. 

Rule 8: The film must play out in the weirdness of the here and now (Lock Down, baby!).

Rule 9: Filming must adhere to the limits and quarantine guidelines specific to your local, regional or national context.  

Rule 10: The commitee want your brooding, existential, languid, sanguine or humorous takes on isolation and the emergence of a post-lockdown future.  

IndieCork Festival takes place October 4th to 10th 2020. For more information:

WCP Staff

WCP Staff Writer

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New series to celebrate and showcase the writing of migrants and refugees in Cork

Wed May 6 , 2020
Earlier this year, LifeFM 93.1, in association with Community Integration Fund launched ‘Hidden Stories’ a new series that will celebrate and showcase the writing of migrants and refugees in Cork. There were many submissions received but due to Covid-19, it was decided to extend that deadline and present for the […]
