August at Blue House

‘Totems of the Highway’ by John Doherty

It’s a full house in Blue House Gallery during the month August in the final sprint of Summer, lots to see and enjoy!

Friday August 5 –
Wednesday August 17   

(Ground floor): “Totems of the Highway” sees John Doherty delving into the world of printmaking for the first time; bringing nine of his most iconic images from his well-known petrol pump series to sit amongst a selection of recent paintings depicting mainly West Cork and Cork towns: familiar main streets and portraits of individual buildings, chosen for their timelessness and timeliness.

(Upstairs): “New Works” by Ian Humphreys presents new paintings by the abstract artist well-known for his rich colours and thick impasto technique which often evokes perfectly what is suggested by the title; a time of day, a time of year, a view from an island over sea and/or land, moments capturing the play of changing light often heightened in intensity by his bold use of vibrant colour.

(Boiler Room): Works by Johnny Bugler, a native of West Cork, accomplished printmaker and multi-disciplinary artist (photography, assemblage sculpture, film and installation). Bugler was former Studio Master at Cork Printmakers and divides his time now between teaching and pursuing his own well established career, finding inspiration from what the land provides; whether that be history, stories or found objects (both natural and discarded from human use) and what new journeys he imagines for them.

Saturday August 20 –
Wednesday August 31

(Ground Floor): “Alice Schwab II”: Following the hugely successful and popular exhibition of the first tranche of the substantial collection of Alice Schwab in 2018, Blue House Gallery is honoured to receive and exhibit this second tranche of work.  Alice Schwab, “… arrived in London in 1937 as a 22 year old Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany. Throughout her life she collected art, befriended and supported artists and, following her death, her daughter Julia Neuberger, Rabbi and Member of the House of Lords, established the Alice Schwab Trust in order to support refugees and asylum seekers pursuing higher education. All sales from the exhibition will go to support the Alice Schwab Trust.” (-Brian Lalor)

(Upstairs): “The Golden Age”, new paintings by Joseph Heffernan of the Backwater Artists Cork presents work of an expressive nature, largely figurative with almost ethereal faces and characters looming out of landscapes bordering on the surreal with his use of colours adding to an imagined narrative left to the viewer to interpret.

(Boiler Room): “Work from Mu”, paintings by Joakim Saflund. Formally residing in West Cork, Saflund has been based in Sydney, Australia, for the last number of years and returns regularly to exhibit in Ireland. An expressionist with a lightness of touch that is earthed by the depth and saturation of ochre colours and pure tones employed; that seems to hint at a wildness barely contained beneath the composition presented.

WCP Staff

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Figuring it out

Fri Aug 5 , 2022
Although not technically from West Cork, city-born painter Diarmuid Breen claims a connection through his Inchigeela-born mother and Macroom-born wife Jo. Having spent many summers in Barleycove Beach and Cape Clear Island as a child, he has a lasting love of these places and got married in Goleen, “I try […]

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