Lions Clubs to raise €100,000 for ‘Hero Shield’ Visors

Lions Clubs have pledged to raise up to €100,000 to fund 200,000 ‘Hero Shield’ face visors, which will be distributed free of charge to front line health workers throughout Ireland.

The project, led by James O’Sullivan of Macroom Lions Club, was initially supported by nine other clubs in the Zone and has since gained the support of Lions Clubs District 133, which covers the island of Ireland. District Governor Bernard Black has asked the 106 Lions Clubs in the District to support the project with donations. 

To date €20,000 has been raised, including €10,000 from the Cork clubs and a further €10,000 in match funding from the District Humanitarian Fund. 

Says Lions Zone Chairman Orla Flavin from Cobh Lions Club: 

“We are already getting a very positive response from Lions Clubs all over the country and we are confident that we will reach our target of €100,000. Not all heroes wear capes but as Lions Clubs, we can help make sure our heroes wear shields.”

James O’Sullivan of Macroom Lions Club, who initiated the project adds:

‘Twenty companies across the country are giving their time, talents and tools free of charge to produce these visors which are manufactured here in Ireland, are certified and meet EU Standards. Covid 19 teams North and South have already approved the Lions Hero Shields. An Garda Síochána, Hospitals and, Care Homes North and South across the country have been contacted and are anxious to take delivery of our PPE’s as soon as possible. The need is clear as statistics show front line staff account for almost a quarter of the Covid-19 cases in Ireland’.  

Says Lions Clubs District Governor Bernard Black: “The 1.4m members of 46,000 Lions Clubs throughout the world are dedicated to serving their communities and this project enables Lions Clubs to make a meaningful contribution to the battle against Covid 19 in Ireland. It also complements the wide range of voluntary community support which Lions Clubs have been offering to their local communities since the virus first emerged in Ireland.”

The Hero Shield is a full-face visor designed to be used by front line workers in the battle against the COVID19 virus.  It is a vital piece of Personal Protective Equipment in the armoury of kit helping to protect those who put themselves at risk to help others.  

The visors are manufactured in Ireland by Hero Shield, a new not-for-profit collective of companies, and are certified as meeting all relevant EU standards. The HSE has already noted that, as the visor has no moving parts, it is easier to sterilise and reuse than many existing solutions. 

The Hero Shield will be available free to HSE and An Garda Síochána personnel in the Republic of Ireland and NHS and PSNI personnel in Northern Ireland.

WCP Staff

WCP Staff Writer

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Fri Apr 10 , 2020
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